Chapter Ten

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I spent the next few days trying my best to dodge The Spotlight, and failing miserably. After all, if there is anyone in this world who is capable of being a candidate for the Sucks at Avoiding Attention Competition, it would be Antonio.

Of course it would be Antonio. Especially now that he is in the Philippines. Filipinos are huge fans of foreigners. If foreigners are capable of earning P1000 for each time a Filipino glances their way, they are going to be able to build a hospital. If it is a good-looking foreigner, I'd say two hospitals complete with facilities.

If Antonio being a hot Spanish exchange student wasn't enough, everybody had to think that he had a thing for me and vice versa. We didn't bother tell people off, though. If there was anything we had in common, it was the hating-drama-brought-about-by-confrontation part.

For that week, Antonio and I were celebrities.

Not that we appreciated it, though.

Nevertheless, things never got awkward between the both of us. In fact, we were always together. It was not like we liked each other. It was just for the heck of me readily introducing to him the culture of the Philippines, and making him comfortable in his stay in my country.

It was not like we liked each other.

It was just for the purpose of Antonio's student exchange program.

The thought of us liking each other was too disgusting to fathom.

I am not lying. Please.

"Girl, you sound too defensive." Venice smirked at me. "All I did was smile at you and you passed me a note that said, 'Antonio and I are not a thing!'"

"You were smiling because Antonio and I were talking in class," I rebutted. "As I said, I'm not that dense."

"You two were smiling while you were talking, though," Tana noted.

"Even you?!"

"Girl." Venice slammed her hands against my locker, trapping me in the process. "You are blooming these days."

"I am always blooming!" I retorted.

"You cocky woman." Venice snorted. "You have never bloomed this way before!"

I frowned. Can't this girl take a joke? Also, what is with the way I bloom today that is unlike the way I bloomed before?

"You and Antonio look great together." Tana sighed and clasped her hands dreamily. "He's taller than you, you're both good-looking, and you two have a chemistry that is warm and kind and smiley and natural..."

"This is your ultimate chance in true love!" Venice exclaimed. "I bet Antonio meets your boyfriend standards. If he doesn't, there must be something wrong with you!"

"Dears, I think you've had too many romance movies," I said. "I don't have wishes for us to end up together."

Even if we do end up together, it's uncertain when Antonio is returning to the Philippines after this. Yuck, why am I thinking like this?! This is horribly creepy!

"Also, can't we girls have recess together without necessarily talking about boys, please?" I complained.

"Fine, fine," Venice and Tana grumbled. After which, Venice released me, and the three of us headed to the cafeteria to grab our bites to eat.

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