Chapter Thirteen

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Anyway, my crush life started this way. I was in the seventh grade, and I didn't know any better than to fall for a guy who sang and plucked his guitar to "So She Dances" by Josh Groban, while sitting on the grass in a twilight. Beams of orange light danced around his figure, and he sung as if he was tormented by the woes of love.

He looked so vulnerable that I wanted to protect him, but no. I simply ended up staring at him.

He was awfully handsome, this boy. From his position, I could tell that he was a short guy – maybe shorter than me by several inches. Either that, or I was simply too tall for my age – I was 5'5 then. His wavy hair was combed stylishly, and his milky skin had a heady glow to it. His face was the type of face that I could imagine in a character from a Greek mythology story.

He was beautiful. More beautiful than any other girl or guy out there in school. His singing voice was a lovely chill down my ears. The sounds that his guitar produced were clear, amorous tones.

I couldn't help but feel helpless.

I only realized that I was gaping at him when he looked at me. For a moment, he seemed surprised, but his face relaxed into a tender smile. "Hi, Eloisa! Are you going home yet?"

I knew that he knew that I was staring at him. Still, he did not say anything about it. He still treated me as if he never encountered any creepy female being who was stalking him at that time.

With hesitation, I said yes.

"Nice!" he exclaimed. "Let's walk to the gate! I cannot commute, though, because I have my bike with me. Still, if you want to walk with me all the way home, I can choose to drag my bike along."

"Okay..." I did not know how that word managed to slip out of my tongue. For one thing, I was a horribly lazy walker.

Then again, he was the type of guy who I was willing to walk with. Heck, I was willing to walk with him to the ends of this planet. If it only meant that I was going to spend more time with him...

Forget I said that. Honestly, I am being horribly out-of-character today.

Anyway, if you are thinking that we started walking with each other every day and became closer after that, you are wrong. It may sound tragic, but that was the last time that he walked home with me. Ever since, I always saw him surrounded by a bunch of guys. That was when I realized that he was the type who was rarely alone.

Of course he was going to be rarely alone.

Occasionally, we greeted each other in the hallways, found ourselves in the same groupings, or even made small talk with each other. However, none of those interactions were as meaningful as the day when he walked home with me. He talked about a lot of things, but all I could remember was the way he made me feel. Most people wanted their crushes to reciprocate their feelings, but all I wanted was for the day to come when he would walk home together with me again.

Heck, I doubted that he even remembered that we walked home together once, several years ago.

Still, he never noticed me in that light ever again.

After our graduation from junior high, I was more than determined to get over that boy. I became certain that it wouldn't be long before I could move on, since we were going to go to different schools. After all, our school didn't have a senior high program.

Unfortunately for me, I learned on the first day of classes that he was enrolled in the same school as me.

Of all possible things, we both had to be enrolled in Monteverde Academy.

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