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Here is one last thing about fifth wheels: we are more than just fifth wheels.

In the evening of Valentine's Day, I was plopped on my bed. I was staring at my bedroom's ceiling, with a telephone on one hand. It kept ringing and ringing, and it stopped when a hello started.

I knew that voice.

"Hey, Klaus." I did not need to ask who it was. "Do you have a minute?"

"Ely!" his voice exclaimed. "What is it, what is it?"

"Klaus..." I trailed off.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently. "You seem a little down."

"I'm not down, actually." I laughed. "I met up with Ate Nat a while ago in the new patisserie. We talked about emotions and it shook me."

"Well." I could imagine Klaus shrug from the other end of the line. "You hate talking about feelings. Let me were not completely honest about what you felt."

I did not say anything.

"What did you talk about?" he queried.

"We talked about Jacob," I whispered.

For a short while, all I could hear was silence. Then, "WHAT?!"

"Um, Klaus?"

"You're not kidding, right?!" he interjected. "You never talk about Jacob."

I rolled my eyes. "Hey. Don't talk as if I don't talk about Jacob with you."

"Fine, you do talk about Jacob," he agreed. "Still, it's like a once-in-a-blue-moon experience. Also, you only bring him up when it's the two of us."

"I'm not going to bring him up with the others." I sighed. "They are only going to pressure me into making him mine, for the sake of relieving them from the worry that I might feel alone. First and foremost, I'm not expecting more from Jacob than just friendship. Right now, I'm not looking for a relationship and Jacob is totally focused on Angelica."

"I wonder how Jacob is capable of staying friends with her and not you," Klaus chimed in. "Based on what other people are saying about her, she...she is quite a handful."

"I think I know why." I managed a smile. "But it's a top secret."

"Hey!" Klaus protested. "Tell me!"

"Whatever." I chuckled. "Okay, back to my point. Second, if I do feel alone in our group, Jacob isn't the immediate solution. Besides, I believe that your happiness does not depend on other people, but yourself."

"I think you have a point," Klaus agreed. "However, it is more of you not expecting others to make you happy. Still, it doesn't change the fact that you actually need others to be happy. That doesn't mean that you should wait for them to, though. There are many people capable of making you happy, but there are also many people capable of hurting you. At the end of the day, you have to start the happiness campaign yourself."

"Then again," he added, "I think you have been doing that a little too much. You need to lean on people a little more. After all, there is a limit to one's capability of initiating positive vibes. People get tired, too."

"I think you're tired of this fifth wheel setup," he went on. "Not because you secretly think that it is more fun to be in a relationship. It's because everybody seems to be taking you for granted, as a friend."

Eloisa the Fifth Wheel (COMPLETED) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now