Chapter Eleven

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Fifth wheel fact: it feels awesome to hang out with other odd wheelers out there because you guys can relate to each other on a personal level.

Before I knew it, it was already December 24. In our circle of friends, it was an annual tradition to watch Tana's Christmas piano recital. For whatever reason, her teacher had a penchant for holiday piano recitals. Not that I had anything against it, though.

Venice and Vince couldn't come, as usual. It was not because they wanted to spend the 24th together while raking their hands all over each other. Not this time. Venice had to help her parents prepare for Christmas Day, while Vince was always with his parents on the 24th and 25th (a family tradition). As for Klaus and I, we were allowed to be free in the mornings of December 24. After which, we had to go home and spend time with our families.

For this year, however, I asked Tana if it was okay for me to add a little twist to our tradition. She did not mind.

I was already seated in the amphitheatre with Klaus. Our topic for that occasion was the mystery manga that we were staying tuned for. For the past hour, I swear, that was the only thing we talked about.

"I did not see it coming!" Klaus exclaimed. "I swear I thought I was going to finish the manga without feeling any bit of interest for the two characters. They are both criminals, after all. Still, when they died in the end, I couldn't help but feel depressed for the past two days!"

"Weird, no?" I remarked. "It's amazing how a manga can make us sympathize with such twisted characters."

"Also, I think the romance in the manga is one of those rare romances that I like," Klaus went on. "I didn't even expect romance from such a dark manga. Still, it was executed beautifully. It was not done for the heck of rainbows and butterflies, but it was done to make the characters grow."

"I know right!" I agreed. "I ship the cheerful criminal with the girl a lot! But unlike you, I kind of predicted their romance from chapter one. Ever since that pool scene..."

Klaus smirked. "I shipped them in the motorcycle scene."

"What are you guys talking about?" a voice interrupted us with a question.

Klaus and I looked over. True enough, it was Ate Nat.

Yep. She was the little twist to our tradition. She wore a Santa hat, a white shirt topped with a red sweater that reached her thighs, and sneakers. She wore a slight touch of pink lip gloss. Suddenly, I felt ashamed in my red shirt-high-waist jeans, and sneakers.

I glanced over at Klaus. He was wearing a red tee, a pair of jeans, and red rubber shoes. Despite the fact that his clothes bled the red colour, I knew too well that those were not the reasons why he looked red when he saw Ate Nat.

However, what seemed to befall him at that time, he brushed off. Because he said something like, "Hi, Ate Nat" and ignored her afterwards.

I leaned near Klaus's ear and whispered, "You may not look the part, but you are the best boyfriend ever."

He shot me a confused look. "How so?"

As for me, I simply laughed at him and turned to Ate Nat.

"By the way, Ate Nat," I began. "I did not expect you to accept my offer to watch Tana's piano recital. After all, you seem like a busy person."

"I'm busy all year round," Ate Nat agreed. "Except for Christmas, New Year, and my birthday."

"Also, I don't get it," I went on. "How do you manage to look so pretty despite everything you have to do?"

Eloisa the Fifth Wheel (COMPLETED) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now