Chapter Twelve

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One thing about fifth wheels: despite what they say, they actually think about love more than they want to admit.

It is inevitable: when a single person is surrounded by couples, he or she cannot help but be curious about romantic relationships at some point. However, don't expect them to open up about it that easily and fervently, because that would be a miracle.

It was Valentine's Day. As usual, it was nothing extraordinary for me. Nobody confessed to me. For the entire day, I was dying to hang out in the newly-opened pastry store, even though I knew that I was going to hang out there alone. After all, my friends were going to their respective one-on-one dates.

However, at the last minute, Ate Nat intercepted me at the gate. She said she wanted to hang out in the newly-opened patisserie located downtown.

Ah, coincidences.

"You're still alone, Ate Nat?" I asked her while we were already situated in the patisserie that we wanted to check out. While we were waiting for our orders, we decided to talk for a bit.

"Of course." Ate Nat sighed. "If you ask me, I would rather be a third wheel instead. My friends are basically ignoring each other. I have to talk to one without the other. We don't get to hang out together. Nothing has been the same anymore. Ever since Christmas time..."

"That's horrible," I agreed. "In that case, I would rather be the fifth wheel too."

"Even though it can be a pain in the butt." She cackled.

"I know!" I laughed along as well.

"By the way," Ate Nat said, "have you ever been curious about what it feels like?"

"Feels like to what?" I asked.

"To be in a relationship," Ate Nat replied. "To be part of a couple."

I stopped.


"Never mind!" Ate Nat exclaimed. She frantically waved her hands at me, as if she wanted me to pretend that she never asked those questions. "You don't seem like the type to wonder about those things. Sorry."

"It's okay." I smiled. "Actually, I wondered about it. Maybe once or twice. What about you, Ate?"

"Sometimes," she admitted. "I don't really have much time to think about that. First of all, I'm a busybody. You know – Student Council President duties, college entrance exams, academics, family, friends, and shopping. Second, I don't have much interest in my love life. Ironic, considering how much of a hopeless romantic I am when it comes to other people. I want all of them to get together, but I never think much about who I want to get together with."

Okay, fine. Ate Nat is one exception to the rule. After all, she is a pretty open person.

"You might think that I'm weird, but I shipped you to Antonio Quebec at some point," Ate Nat confessed. "After all, he was taller than you and you looked great together. Until I learned that you guys were cousins."

I giggled.

"Seriously." Ate Nat glared at me playfully. "How dare you prank the entire school body? Everybody thought you guys were in a relationship!"

"We did not do anything," I reminded her. "You assumed that we were in a relationship."

"You should have at least said something!" Ate Nat rubbed her forehead. "That was cruel!"

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