Chapter Three

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Ultimate tip for odd wheelers out there: don't get too involved with two people who are in a relationship. 'Too involved' meaning stepping beyond your boundaries as an odd wheeler. Seriously, it can get you in a chaotic mess.

It does not matter even when you are an odd wheeler of what people would call a romantic relationship that consists of angels.

Considering that I was fairly experienced being an odd wheeler, I took that rule to heart. One reason why I bailed out of their dates. One reason why I was planning to reject Klaus's offer, too. One reason why I kept pestering Tana later that evening that I was absolutely doing fine even when Klaus paired up with her and Vince paired up with Venice. Still, she was adamant about me accepting Klaus's suggestion.

In the end, I had to say yes.

Thinking that a pure relationship like theirs existed.

Anyway, it took several months before our class had to pair up again – this time, for a Statistics class. Somehow, I was expecting Tana to take back her words and her boyfriend. Or maybe Klaus taking back his words and his girlfriend. However, Tana paired up with Megan Aquino. As for Klaus, he approached me casually and asked if I had any ideas about what we wanted to do for our project. I answered that I was still going to think about it.

Not too far from us was Tana and Megan. Yep, I could hear what they were saying from that.

"Hey, Tana," Megan began. "Did you and Klaus fight?"

"No!" Tana interjected. "Why?"

"You didn't pair up this time, though," Megan observed.

"We don't have to pair up all the time," Tana said. "Besides, we both agreed that our barkada was taking Ely for granted a little too often. For starters, Klaus wanted to make Ely feel like she isn't out of our group by volunteering to pair up with her for all of the Science and Math subjects. As for the both of us, we are only going to pair up in humanities subjects."

"Hmm." Megan rubbed her chin in contemplation. "That is horribly suspicious."

"Why?" Tana gave her head a curious tilt.

"You cannot trust boys when it comes to matters like these," Megan hissed. "Maybe girls, but definitely not boys."

"How?" Tana was confused. "Klaus is just being the nice guy that he is..."

"Are you sure?" Megan chuckled. "Don't let your guard down, Tana. Sometimes, it is good to be a little doubtful about him."

"Megan, what are you talking about?"

"You see..." Megan paused, then continued. "This is almost exactly how my ex-boyfriend and I broke up."

"Why? What did he do?"

"Ah, about that." Megan rubbed a finger on her chin. "Let's see...two years ago, he decided to pair up with this girl in our class, just because he felt sorry for her and he felt like convincing the entire class that there was nothing going on between us. You see, our parents have already figured out, and they are pretty strict people. However, with his need to disguise our relationship and his need to play hero all the time, he and that girl went a little too far."

"What happened?"

"One time, he told me that he had to finish a certain project with that girl," Megan explained. "Only, by chance, I happened to stumble upon the both of them kissing." She shrugged. "I guess that was the project that he was talking about: discovering how differently each girl tasted like."

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