Chapter 13

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We reached our base about 1 or 2 in the morning. We only had to drop the tools on the two evil people a dozen or so times. They were a pain in the butt.

As we drove into the compound, Joe woke up and tried to get out. Me and the rest of the kids tackled him, trying to give Andy enough time to park the car. As soon, as it was parked, Patrick woke up and attacked us. Andy and Pete joined the fray, making a pretty loud racket that thankfully brought help.

After Joe and Patrick had been taken in, we set to work figuring out what to do with them. We didn't have anything except a few closets, and even those were not going to work. I was searching along with everyone else who was awake and found some barbed wire. Someone found some metal poles. So, after knocking the two evil guys out with some tranquilizer stuff, we built a barbed wire cell around them. Of course, we put them in separate cells.

After we had put the barbed wire around them, we put some plexiglass a little ways more out to make another cell. It was 7 feet away from the barbed wire, 8 feet tall, and 11 or so feet wide. We added a door to this so we could get in and give them food, and interrogate them.

We then added two booby traps. The first one was a trench that was 7 feet across and 10 feet deep. It took forever making that sucker. Then after that, we made a trip wire that, when tripped, would trigger a dart gun that would hit the escape with tantalizing stuff. We had everything done by 8 in the morning, and had the cages up on the right wall, the plexiglass touching the wall.

Patrick and Joe woke up about that time, and Patrick tried to rip the barbed wire off with his hook. He barely touched it and went down like a rock. I smiled as I watched the scene with satisfaction.

"Whenever you touch it, you'll get a 5-second taser. Not enough to kill you, only enough to get you mad." Patrick got up, his yellow eyes trying to pierce my soul. His face full of anger and rage, seeming at any moment he would strike me down.

"We already know everything about you, thanks to our new recruits," I looked at him, annoyed, and really tired.

"Yeah right. Keep dreaming fedora." I walked away, toward the staircase that led to the upper level, where we all slept.

My bed was again situated under a window and looked exactly like it had before, including the clothes and other crap. I collapsed and fell into a deep sleep. The last thing I saw was Pete collapse into a bed that had been prepared for him.

I jolted awake about 5 hours later. A nightmare had rattled me, and I was scared to death. I wiped my face with my hands, trying to get the nightmare out of me. As I did, someone walked over to my cot. It was one of the new recruits. You could tell because this kid wore a white name tag. She was smaller, maybe 12 or so. She had on a very flattering white dress.

"The Superiors need you," She smiled then scrambled down the stairs. I got up and quickly changed into a white t-shirt and white running shorts. My white sneakers were in a desperate need of a clean, and I knew it.

I walked down the stairs into the bustles of the afternoon. It was the middle of lunch hour, and people were hurrying in and out to get food and back to work. I spotted the small group of Superiors near the kitchen. I quickened my pace and met them about a minute later.

"What do you need?" I asked. The small group looked at me.

"We want you to go and try to interrogate those two. We know you can put on a mean face and get into it if you need to," I smiled at Tiger's little monologue.

"I'll make sure to get every last scrapping detail!" I said in a fake tough voice. I laughed and grabbed two plates of food, which smelled divine since I hadn't eaten yet. I could tell these had been made special. Most people were having sandwiches and raw veggies, which was the normal meal for the day (it was a Saturday). These plates had some ham on them, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, and some stuffing. There were also two small plates of chocolate cake and two 1 liter water bottles.

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