# 1.

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She really is as beautiful as a goddess. Dark brown hair, almost mistaken for raven black like his own. Blue eyes, like that of an ocean. So many mysteries hidden in them. Rosy cheeks and porcelain skin. Just the thought of that face sends a tingling sensation in his body. She has a very feminine petite form with curves all in the right places, unlike his own masculine tall and bulky built. She will fit perfectly in his embrace, like she was made for it. They will look so perfect together. They do seem to complete each other, like they are meant only for each other.

He has never felt the need for a companion before, but seeing her, he might just give the idea a thought. But then she turns around and all the thoughts vanishes. Burning away in the fires of a sinful feeling. The feeling of desires, lust.

He needs her. He needs to make her his. She belongs to him. He tries to touch her, because if he doesn't, he might not be able to breathe. She is his only lifeline. He needs to hold her in his arms, to feel her against himself, to take in her scent. He's dying and she is his life. He has to have her. Every moment away his suffocating him. But he can't. He tries again. To hold her, to touch her, but every time, it passes through her. The more he tries to touch her, the more she's fading away. Until she's gone. The memory of her sweet smile haunting him. He falls to his knees screaming for her....

Madara wakes up screaming, panting heavily, like he had just ran miles. Beads of sweat forming on his head. Sweat covered his whole form like second skin. An expression of dread and horror on his face. He has never been this terrified before. And what was he afraid of? A dream of a girl he has never met before in his life?? He has seen much more ghastly things in his years as a fearsome warrior. He is one of the most gruesome Shinobis in this time of unending wars. And he was devastated to lose a girl in his dreams. What is happening with him? Who was she anyway and why did he felt such a strong connection to her?

He held his throbbing head in his hand. The dreaded expression replaced with confusion and annoyance. Just when two of the guards came running in his room, followed by Izuna.

"Nii-san. Are you alright? What happened?" he asked worried.

"I-I'm fine. It was just a dream." Madara said, fist tightening in the sheets.

"You're dismissed. But stay alert." the younger Uchiha said to the guards.

The took their leave, giving their leader and the second-in-command an obligatory bow.

Izuna sat on his elder brother's bedside. Worry and curiosity evident on his face.
"What did you dream about, that made you so terrified that you screamed out in your sleep? I don't think this has ever happened before. Not even when we were kids. What did you see Nii-san?" he asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about brother. Go and sleep. Its okay " Madara said lying back down.

"But I want to know. Please. Tell me. What did you see that scared you, out of all the people, shitless. I will not be able to sleep not knowing it." he pouted.

Madara sighed. He loves his brother very much, no doubts to that,but he knows that this little rascal can become a real pain in the ass if he wants to be. And he will if he doesn't tell him. But if he does, it will be an even bigger annoyance, and he might never see the end of it.

"No." was his reply.

"No? I know its something and you have to tell me. What is it?"

"Go away, Izuna." he turned around so as not to face his rascal nosy brother.

"Tell me. Or I am telling Katsumi that you moan her name in your sleep." Izuna threatened him, with a blank face and mischievous smirk.

Oh no! Not her. He wished. Jumping on his bed he sat straight trying to kill his younger brother with his glare. A glint of triumph came into Izuna's eyes. He knows how much his Nii-san despises that woman. Katsumi's clinginess is like a curse for Madara. He avoids her like plague. This is the perfect threat to make Madara do anything. And the worst thing is that he knows it too well.

"So..... You're gonna tell me or what?" Izuna quirked a brow.

Madara facepalmed knowing that he has been defeated. Why was this little devil his brother?

"It was a...... Girl." he said trying to hide his face with his hand.

"Whaa....... " Izuna's eyebrows arched and the smirk on his face slowly evolved into a grin. "......HAHA..... A.... Hahahahaha.... Girl...? .....Hahahahaha.....
You dreamt about a girl. And then you screamed like one..... Madara Uchiha?.... Had a nightmare...... about a ...... Girl...... Hahahahaha..... " Izuna was rolling on the floor, clutching his stomach, while Madara was seething with embarrassment. A huge blush evident on his face.

"See.... This is why I didn't wanted to tell you. Go to hell." he barked falling back on bed covering his face not facing his brother, who was still a laughing mess on his floor. He shouldn't have said anything.

Before Me & You (Madara x Oc) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ