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It had been almost two weeks since the incident that made a lot of questions pop up in the mind of Uchiha clan leader, none of which had an answer that could  be called even remotely satisfactory. And it seemed like the entire universe was determined to throw more of these at him like a ton of bricks. First, why would somebody attack the Ryuuketsueki stronghold and abduct Aara? And how? With the combined force of the Yamura clan's skill in setting up traps and a whole troop of some of the best soldiers of Uchiha, not forgetting to count it’s extremely secret and benefactory location atop one of the most dangerous mountain range and forests, the palace’s defense was practically impenetrable. He would know after the hard time and tremendous planning he had to do in order siege that damned place. He also had Akinari sama's spy network and cunning and knowledgeable mind that provided him with all the necessary information about the in's and out's of the place. But, for someone else to attack the place and take down almost the whole force that was guarding the stronghold, in their sleep? This has to be an insiders job, no doubt. But why kill them all and take Aara? It would have made sense if such an act came from one of his enemies, but then again, none who falls in that category is involved here. And that is the specific reason why he had sent his men to look into the matter and dig out the dirt. To find out if someone is using the Yotsuki clan against them. He would definitely love it if it was a genius plot by his greatest nemesis, but he needs to be sure.

And then again, there comes his second question. Why does Hashirama wants to talk to him? Why would he want to talk about a possibility of an oncoming war if he could possibly be the one behind starting it? But then again, Madara knew this was coming ever since the moment he took the first step to attack the fort or agreed to marrying Amaya. Why try to avoid something that can’t be avoided?

Every bit and part of it was getting more and more complicated with each passing day and with each bit of new information coming his way, and the Madara was frustrated. But the most frustrating thing amongst all of this was not the tactics involved but the one all of it was about. Amaya.

Ever since that day, she has been behaving strangely. Something is going on with her, but he doesn’t know what. That’s what annoys him.


'This is not good. This is absolutely not good....' The thoughts never left poor Tobirama as he punched the wall of his prison cell in frustration.
But what other choice did he had. He chose this. He brought this upon himself.

It was either him or his squad. And there's no way he would let his clansmen die over something so petty. But at what cost?
Even if he succeeded in saving their life right now by letting this bunch of fucktards take him, they are still going to deliver a wrong information. Something that will end up with the Senju clan go on a full scale war like lambs to slaughtering.

'How could I let this happen??' He hit the stone wall again with a force that made his knuckles bleed. But not enough to get him out of this morbid confinement. 'Those idiots even blocked my Chakra...' the albino gritted his teeth.

"Ohh my my! Such anger and frustration." A woman's voice echoed from the darkness. "Its not good for one's health, you know. Especially if they are such an important piece in the game." A chuckle, quite evil one, follows as the speaker comes to light.

"Who the hell are you? Show yourself." Tobirama barked.

"Me?" the women chuckles darkly coming in the light "I am the one who made you come here. But I am so sorry to bring you a bad news, my sweet Tobirama."

"What bad news woman? Stop wasting my time and just spit it out. And what do you mean by you brought me here. I came here for some other purpose that's non-"

"Amaya Ryuuketsueki." the woman smirked.

Tobirama's brows furrowed and fist clenched "What do you know about her?"

"Everything that is there to know about her." the woman stepped closer smiling coyly bowing before him "My name is Aara Ryuuketsueki. I was the one who sent your brother that message that got you here. My charming prince."


Hashirama was pacing back and forth in his living room deep in thoughts. Tomorrow he's going to have a meeting with Madara about the possibility of Amaya Ryuuketsueki's abduction by the Uchiha clan. And even Tobirama went missing at such a crucial mission. This does not shed a good light on Madara's image or his clan for the other people of the Senju clan's high council.

But Hashirama still couldn't believe that his once best-friend turned rival can even think about such a twisted ploy. And taking his brother as well, Madara knows well enough that this will definitely make their clans go on an all out war. This, Tobirama's disappearance takes away any chance of getting it to a compromise and stop the devastation. 'Is this what you really want my friend? More blood-shed and war?'

"Thinking about what is going to happen tomorrow?" Mito's voice startled Hashirama.

The elder Senju sighed, "For some reason, my is not ready to except that Madara is capable of doing something like this. He has made me his enemy, but dragging an innocent woman to a feud between us to prove a point? No. That's not Madara. And why now?when people of both the clans are thirsty for eachother's blood and desperate and tired from continuous wars. There's something definitely wrong with all of this." he sat on the bed messaging his temple.

"You think someone else is doing this?" Mito asked skeptically sitting beside him "Trying to start a war between the Senjus and Uchihas. But who wants that? And why?"

"I don't know. But something is going happen. Something bad."

Sorry guys. I know it was a very long wait and very short chapter. I will try my best to update sooner and regularly. I hope you guys like it. Let me know your thoughts through the comments and votes. Thank you and sorry.

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