# 11.

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For the whole evening Amaya kept on ignoring Madara, which annoyed him to no end. How did she manage that among the whole crowd with possibly no one noticing still baffles him. This girl. She somethings else alltogether.

The annoyingly idiotic and noisy event finally came to an end and all the guests were gone. Amaya soon retreated to their quarters after bidding good night to Izuna and other members of the household.
Now. To find out what the hell is wrong with her.’ a twisted smirk made its way to Madara’s lips.

By the time he reaches to their shared room, Amaya had already changed into her night clothes, which was, surprisingly, a soft and comfortable baggy shirt that reaches upto her mid-thighs, that belongs to him. Why is she wearing his shirt? He proceeds to change his own clothes, all the while, Amaya still ignoring his presence. ‘This girl has guts… or she is not as smart as I thought her to be.’

While making sure the bed is made, she throws... his pillow…. on his face. Now, that’s the final straw. No one. No one, shows this kind of attitude to him. In his own house. In his own room. Who does this woman thinks she is. A princess??


So, she is a princess. But not here. Here… he is the king. He is the boss. And this girl, needs to be taught that lesson.

He glares menacingly at her, but with no effect on the said princess. She continues to do her job like he's not even there trying to burn her with his gaze. She makes her way towards the fire-place, when Madara decides that he has had enough of her ignorance tantrum.

In the blink of an eye, he pinned her to the wall just beside the fire-place, he had in a killer grip by her neck. If it would have been any other person, they would have been scared shitless by this. Madara had his sharingan activated and was glaring at her with such an intensity that it made a shiver run down her spine. But nonetheless, even in that position, where he could just snap her neck with a little bit more pressure, if she doesn't die first because of suffocation, Amaya still managed to match his glare with one of her own. Such defiance both intrigued and pissed him.

He jabbed a kunai not even half an inch farther from her head,on the wall. Amaya eyes widens realizing just how much close it was from impaling her head and how much force he put into it. The kunai went halfway into the wall.
Madara moved his face closer to hers, his breath fanning the shell of her ear, "Here's a tip for you princess, don't test my patience... for you might end up regretting it later." he purred in soft and sweet voice. He bit her earlobe and then left her turning around. "Next time, it won't be a wall." he adds smirking.

Not even after half a minute he turned around, the same kunai went straight from beside his head, making a small cut on his ear shell and some coal black cut strands of hairs flying in the air, it went straight through the open garden door embedding in the bark of the cherry blossoms, making the whole tree erupt in blood-red flames.

Now, Madara's eyes were as big as saucers, realizing just by exactly how close he missed his death.
"Here's a tip for you too, Madara sama..." she was right behind him, whispering with sweetness pouring through her voice, "Keep your bitches in a tight leash. For whores don't tell Queens, their place." she moved closer, her lips touching his earlobe, "and next time.... it won't be a fucking tree." she smirked.
'This girl really is something else.'

(More is coming soon. Just a little wait.)

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