# 5.

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Madara along with Izuna and many of his men, was jumping from branch to branch, advancing towards their destination. The place where the last heir of the Ryuuketsueki clan was residing. The fort was once their stronghold.

Madara halted at a branch and signalled his men to stop. This was it. In front of him lies a small village, on the center of which was the fortress. The whole village was surrounded by mountains and forest. From his place on the top of a tree branch, he could see many traps hidden within the deep camouflage of the forest. There were many more that he couldn't see scattered throughout the area. A stream was flowing behind the fort. Its water was as clear as crystan. No doubt it was the only source of water for the people here. The village was mostly inhabited by civilians, going about their evening routine. Unaware of what was coming.

He motioned with his hand and Izuna and Hikaku appears at his side.

"It's a civilian village Madara-sama. Attacking them means breaking rules. We will not be forgiven if we shed their innocent blood." Hikaku said.

"But look at those traps. They are pretty advanced, even for someone at our level. There are surely Shinobis living there as well. And they are not ordinary either. There's someone with a significant amount of Chakra somewhere in that fort. Almost matching yours Nii-san." said Izuna.

Izuna is the best sensory nin in their clan. His observation on this matter cannot be wrong. This only means one thing.

"She's here." Madara smirks.


Eiko was strolling around the market free of all the care of the world. The villagers greeted her with smiling faces which she happily returned. She was out n about shopping for somethings for her hime when she noticed some stange new faces among the crowd. There were some more, walking around and looking at people and places with calculative eyes. They tried to blend in with the crowd, but their pale skin and onyx hair gave them away.

'Intruders.' Eiko noted mentally, 'They must be here for... Oh no!'
As soon as she realized the situation, she knew what was about to happen. She cautiously got out of the crowd and ran to the castle at full speed, dropping her bags on the street.
'I have to alert her... ' was the only thought in her head.

(Eiko Yamura

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(Eiko Yamura.)

Eiko got into the castle trough the secret passage way and barged into the princess's room, frantically searching for her mistress.

"Amaya-hime... There's... ", but before she could finish the sound of people screaming echoed through out the palace.

Eiko paled, an expression of dread was on her face as she finally spotted Amaya coming out from behind the changing panels.

"What's all the commotion about Eiko?", Amaya asks worried.

Eiko runs to her side, "Amaya-hime... They're here for you... ", she says between panting frenzy.

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