# 6.

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Amaya barges in the throne room seething with rage. Some of those damn Shinobis really  annoyed her. Though, their smugness didn't do them any good in the end. Seriously, what did they expected her to be, a crying damsel in distress? Oh no. She is not a whining five years old.

As she enters the room, she sees two men there, their attire was same as the rest of them. One was facing her, his long hairs were tied up in a sloppy pony-tail. The other one had his back towards her. The only thing that she could see was his long raven hair that reminds her of a porcupine along with a huge Gunbai strapped on his back. Amaya felt a strange tickle in her stomach, but quickly brushed it off.

She glared at the one facing her. His eyes held a certain spark in them that she couldn't exactly figure out. She points her katana at him, "I am going to ask this only one time." her glare intensifies, "...who are you and what do you want from us? "

The moment she uttered those words, a sickening wave of nostalgia hit Madara. 'Maybe, next time... '
The serene voice echoed in his head. 'This couldn't be... ', he slowly turned around.

The moment the other man turns around, Amaya's eyes widens as big as saucers, a shocked expression makes itself visible on her face as her anger induced facade crumbles away.
"I-Its... You... ", she whispers as the katana falls from her hands onto the carpeted ground with a soft thud.

She takes a few steps back, stumbling on her own step, which surprised Izuna. He turns around, only to find the same look on his brother's face.

Before he could figure anything out, a spine-chilling scream escapes the girls lips and she falls on the ground, like some unknown force hit her.
Izuna rushed to her side, only to find her knocked out cold. 'What the hell happened?' he asked himself.

"You wouldn't like her if she is awake." a woman's voice comes from behind one of the statues in the far corner of the room. "...especially, with that thing within her reach." she smiles slyly, coming into full view, pointing at the sword that fell not to far from the girl.

"And, who are you to be the judge of that?", Madara grumbles, irked by her interruption.

"Her mother." the woman smirks.

The woman, dressed up in expensive royal robes, strolls towards the throne with a sway in her hips. Both the brothers exchange a look. Izuna glances at the woman and then at the unconscious girl.

Aara turns around, standing beside the throne. "I know who you are and why you're here... I just didn't expected the leader of the Uchiha clan  to come here himself."

Madara stares her down, while Izuna tries to figure out the situation.
'She knew we were coming.' the voice in his head speaks. He looks at Madara, who nods very slightly, letting him know that he is thinking the same thing.

Aara looks at both of them, "Anyway. I say... How about we stop this...useless blood-shed and come to a... truce of sorts."

"A truce?" both the brothers say at the same time.

"Yes. I know what might have brought you here to our doorstep." she looks at Amaya's unconscious form, "The alliance that we are forming with the Senju."

"And... That makes you our enemy. So, I why would we want to make a truce with you?" Madara asks.

"What if...we are ready to break it? My daughter's engagement with Tobirama Senju."

"And why would you do that, um...?"

"Oh! My bad. Call me Aara."

"Aara-san?" Madara glares, his voice held fake sweetness.

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