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She was fascinated with everything inside that cafe, or that's what her facade looks like. She would smile and look at people who would come and go, listen to the chiming bell when someone ordered, smell the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee, and the feeling of the warm fuzzy jacket over her shoulders. She could look at that all day but to him.

She was neither afraid nor nervous in front of him; she never was. He was her comfort when she was pulling her seams, but she couldn't bring herself to look at his face. No, not when it was laced with warmth and care, the things she didn't deserve. A sigh left her lips as she gathered her energy to speak.

"Looking dashing, aren't we?" She genuinely smiled as the man in front of her brighten his eyes with a slight smile. He was also trying his best. He couldn't care less if his eyes would betray him. He wants to hug her. He needs to tell her he needs her.

"I could say the same to you, too. You've grown more pretty." He wasn't lying, nevermind the restless eyes; she was blooming. He could not help but think about her old self; three years is not a short time.

"Are you okay now? Do you want me to accompany you?" His lips shivered at the fact that he lost his cool. He couldn't ignore the fact that she will be gone again. She could only chuckle as the man she used to know played with the sleeves of her jacket, a habit that never faded away.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you. I miss you, and you know that you don't need to put that front to me because I know you." His lips parted when he heard her say those. He was nonetheless hesitant to ask her those. But her observant and blunt nature exposed him right on the spot.

"Yes, I miss you so much, and I need you." he smiled, but his eyes were far from that. He reached out to hold her hands. His smile died down; he faced an epiphany at that moment.

"Your hands are now warm, warmer than mine." She nodded as she used her warm hands to wipe the tears from his face.

"Yes, they are now warm, warmer than yours." It seemed as though that she wants to continue that sentence, but he chose to ignore it as he basked with the warmth she gave. At least for that moment, he could feel her again.

"I think it's time to go home now. Your brother surely will kill you if you don't." She said as she arranged his hair and helped him clean his crying face. He did not bawl nor wailed. His tears cascaded out.

"But you are my home." He said as he looked at her dull eyes. "You are always my home, Seraph" He spoke while she continued to wipe his face.

"I was your home, but I left." She smiled at him like a mother consoling her child.

"You are now back, be my home." He pleaded.

"I wish I could, but I am not deserving of you. You were my everything then, but you are now someone just a part of my past. But I will always remember you in this lifetime and what comes after that."

"I love you." He said as he caught his breath. He wants her to stay. He needs her to stay.

For the first time at that moment, her smile faltered. She calmly held her belongings in one hand and had both his hands in the other. She wanted to stay, but she needed to leave.

She knows she had wounded him in the past, and she will again now.

"I loved you."

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