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ELEVEN fifty two in the evening. Hyerin was on the dance floor, drowning herself with alcohol. She practically drag Jungkook with her.

They were having some fantastic time having fun, ignoring other people's stares and judgments. They were basically dancing with gowns and suits. They look like runaway bride and groom.

Her mind was having a blast, his eyes were flashing with ecstasy, they were caught up in the moment where they decided to run from their problems.

Laughters and giggles were to be heard from their mouths, no words just chuckles and sound of happiness erupted.

Jungkook was there everytime a guy was to come to her with eyes flashed with lust. He was able to get her away from them by grabbing her to the bar.

Her eyes roamed around, observing people around her, observing such a luxurious place, it was such a familiar club.

" Quit being a sobber and drink this." Jungkook ushered her to drink coffee.

" Where are we?" Hyerin wondered.

" It's the place where me and Taehyung hyung would go when things aren't going the things we planned." He said while taking a shot of what she assumed as vodka.

" Jungkook, what happened to Taehyung? What's wrong with him and his drinking habits?" The question had been inside her head, it was everywhere.

" I thought he told you, at least tried to." He mumbled.

" Well halfway through it, he collapsed." She said with a frown flashed in her face, the very obvious ones.

" His father left him and his mother for his mistress. Hyung had no idea what was going on, he was still 6 at that time. His mother couldn't handle the pain and ended her life- In front of his eyes, he saw his mother being killed by depression.

He blamed himself as he grew, never wanting to go out again, but, our parents had bought him to much greater place and educated him.

Although he grew, his brain couldn't register what had happen back then. The realization had hit him hard, at the age of 14, he wanted to suicide, he wanted to kill himself as he couldn't handle the guilt, he had been blaming himself for the separation of his parents and his mothers death whom he'd loved dearly.

I wanted to help him to get over his past by bringing him to states to start a new life, with my parents concent, we travelled at the age of 15. We continued our study there and promised to come back after graduating."  He said after a long, deep sigh.

Hyerin was in deep thoughts, she undertand that his childhood was dark and traumatizing, but she felt that there's something that Jungkook wasn't telling. Jungkook noticed the uncertainty on her face, but decided to shrug it off.

" Let's forget about this and have fun!" She shouted, grabbing him again.


They spent the next hour dancing before deciding to catch their breaths off. They had ordered another drink and chat more.

" Can i dance with you?" A girl asked Jungkook. He was bewildered, he didn't expect someone to ask him after looking like a mess and smelling like some creep.

" Sure." Hyerin said. Confusion was in him, she practically pushed him with the girl.

" Can I borrow you?" A deep voice had caught her attention. It was Taehyung.

" Taehyung!" Her face enlightened with excitement, she didn't see him after a couple of days after that club incident.

" Why is this beautiful lady all alone?" His eyes had traveled from head to toe. A butterfly had able to escape her stomach.

" Why is this handsome man being annoying?" Her smirk had drawn him.

" So you find me handsome?" He chuckled.

" Well, who wouldn't?" Her smirk grew wider.

" Oh God, stop with this empty flirting." She chuckled. He laughed.

" How come I didn't see you at the ceremony?" She asked.

" Well, Something came up with my business." He said while drinking Tequila.

" So you had a business? Tell me about it." Her eyes flashed with such an eagerness.

" So basically I have a company which my mother passed me. But I'm focusing to my brand new cafe." He said. Her mouth agape with amusement.

'He's succesful.' Her thoughts said.

Taehyung chuckled with her expressions.

The rest of the time they were laughing loudly with flirty statements where they would throw each other thinking it's just a joke, or so they thought.

Taehyung hadn't been able to laugh like that.

Alcohol took there over their system, them being clever, decided to call a cab over, forgetting Jungkook's existence in the club.

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