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HYERIN woke up from a sudden growling of her stomach which caused her to ran immediately to her comfort room where she puked her heart out. she saw the sky so clear that made her racing heart calm, despite from that moment earlier that morning, she made her way out of her room.

It's been long since she stepped out of her beloved room. she made sure to tide up herself before going out of their house. 

hyerin put her headphones and played music. the music brought the lass to reminiscent the memories, the memories which caused her to feel that nostalgic of kind, but in a matter of seconds, that nostalgic feeling was broke by her sudden urge to puke again. she held it in, by the time she convinced herself that she's fine, her foot unknowingly stopped by a familiar gate, by the jeon's to be exact.

She was hesitating to whether to ring the doorbell or not, the past few days was hard for her, making her to hard to get in touch with wonwoo.

wonwoo. his name was soft as it rolled out of her lips and unto the air, making it seemed like she's whispering to the deaf thin air. 

she heard his sweet laughter, making her to remove her quivering hands to the bell. 

' at least he's happy.' 

she didn't noticed the tears that rolled freely to her blushed face, making her crystal eyes blur all of a sudden.

syerin started to walk away, leaving her bitter feelings onto that place.

' I will get over you.' She again whispered, but this time to the flowers that bloomed pleasantly on the road she's walking at.

without any reasons, her walking came into a halt.  A familiar feeling of comfort greeted her.

her head sprung up only to be greeted by an hotel, epiphany- the apartment is known for its nice view of the city. hyerin was intrigued, there was a gravity in it that pulled her into.

she was greeted by the receptionist asking her whether she would stay, she answered she was just looking and so she continued to roam the space. 

she was truly amazed by the scenery, people looking so tiny, street light was giving a candlelight  like effect, she felt like she's top of the world. she gripped the railings tightly as she closed her eyes, feeling the breeze as it collided with her face to her hair. ,many people would think that she was filming some commercial as she look like an actress- her beauty would make any mans knees weak, but not his.

then it clicked, she remembered the moment where she and wonwoo was at the balcony of that cafe. It was so nostalgic that an unknowing smile appeared to her face, but without any consent, a single tear fell to be followed by a continuous trail of crystallized like liquid and the feeling of throwing up is present again. 

she panicked, she scurried to find a close comfort room. a strong grip of cold hands was felt on hyerin's wrists, she was too weak to fight back to the unknown person so she let him/she be. the petals was rising to her throat, making it feel burning, making her eyes to shut tightly as it made her hard to breath.

the moment she opened her eyes, she was greeted by a warm and cozy room, without any second thoughts, she excused herself and ran to the bathroom, where the petals fell out carelessly from her mouth to the toilet and to the white tiled floor.

she sat there, hardly configuring what she have done, she heard the door open, only to be greeted by Jungkook.

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