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NINE o'clock. Hyerin's phone buzzed as she was getting ready to take a bath. It was an unknown number.

"Get ready, we're going to party!"
                                                                    "Who is this?"
"One handsome man"
" I'll just pretend i
didn't read that:'( "

" sorry, it's taehyung right?:-( "

Without any second wasted, she changed her clothes into some dark ripped jeans, a tank top with a leather jacket and used dome leather boots. She doesn't wear make up so she's ready to go.

She reached their living room to bid goodbyes to her parents.

"Where are you going lady?" Baekhyun asked, eyeing suspiciously the lass before him.

"Let her be, she's now eighteen." Taeyeon winked to her daughter who was now smiling sheepishly.

"For God's sake, its almost ten in the evening, and she's all dressed up to who knows where." Her father was all protective

"Go on now child, just be careful." Her mother said in an utterly excited voice.


She was fetched by a black Lamborghini, she couldn't refused it as the driver showed an ID that said that he was a driver of Taehyung.

The driver stopped at the club, Suadade to be specific- it was all known for its elegance and for its handsome owners.

She was shocked to be here, to enter the club without lining up. As she entered a gasp escaped, she was in awe to see the elite club everybody was talking about.
Even though she was disturbed by how the people look, was dancing, grinding and kissing, she was still amuses at the high clssed place.        

A guy escorted her to a VIP room in which she was confused and shocked at the same time. She didn't knew that this is the life Taehyung was living, she didn't expect him to be that rich as he was living at one of the famous aprtment villa.

She entered the room where she found Taehyung sat with some other chicks from his left to his right. She kinda feel disgusted how the girl's body was on his . "Hyerin!" Taehyung stood up, removing all the hands thnwas all over him. She noticed that he was wearing the same thing as hers, but with a chocker.

He lead her to the bar and let her choose much to his surprise, she ordered vodka.

"Why are we here?" She asked as she sipped to her drink.

"Isn't it obvious, we're here to have some fun?" He said as he raised his glass.

She didn't know what to say and so she drank the vodka, she knew how to drink, she knew her limitations.

While Taehyung drank all of his and ordered another.

Later on, he was a sobber.

"Taehyung?" She asked.

"Mhmm" he hummed between his hiccups, showing how drunk he is.

"Why do you always go to club and drink to much?" She asked, the question made him stop what he's doing.

"I don't want to tell you" he stuck his tongue out, looking like a retard kid.

"Tell me whose name was yours?" He asked her intrigued as he caught glimpse of the black ink on her wrist.

She was silent at the question, her eyebrow grew knit on each other, she didn't know what to say. She hardly sat there looking at him.

"Who do you think it is?" She asked him.

" It could be Jungkook." He simply stated.

"Why?" She asked, even though she's confused, she said it softly.

"I could see it through you, you like him. From the way your eyes looked at him to the way your cheek flushed everytime he's around." Even if he slurred, she understood everything he said.

" well then why d'you think it's black?" She asked.

" I don't know if Kookie told you, but  he was inlove to someone else." He stated while sighing. She was listening attentively.

"Kookie was deeply, madly inlove that time, we were so happy for him. He wore that smile that only I could see in my mind.

"The girl was Jungsoo, it was what he would call her. They were so perfect for each other that people started to think that they were couples, but what they don't know was that they weren't. Jungkook was courting her for 2 years that time when Jungsoo decided to broke his heart by simply saying that they would not work out. One year later, Jungkook turned eighteen, as what we expected, he had the disease.

"He was so depressed about it that every time he would vomit, he would lock himself for a day. He grew cold to everyone including to his best friends and to his brother. He decided to go to America to cool off his mind, and I think it kinda worked, as he came back, he started to smile even if it's small, or maybe it's because of you." Taehyung drank his remaining drink, while Hyerin was still in daze after hearing Jungkook's story.

"Taehyung, is there anything to cure Hanaemi besides surgery?" She asked.

His lips parted, he don't know what to say.

"I -I don't actually know." He said, he saw the disappointed look in her eyes. He sighed.

" I have a friend who had a lot of knowledge about this. His name is namjoon" He said.

They had danced and have fun a lot, forgetting that they were partially strangers, though their company has a bond of long lost friends, they befriended with each other, dearly.

*HANAEMI*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن