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Twenty eight

The eerie silence was only to be heard.

The three of them just looked at each other.

" Hyung, is there anything to help Hyerin other than surgery?" The lad looked at the older one with much hope in his eyes.

" There is.......but, I don't think it'll work, considering her case." Namjoon looked at her with much sadness in his eyes, it is as if his apologetic.

" What is it?" Taehyung asked.

"Have someone to love you back."

Hyerin just hardly sat there and listen.

Taehyung who heard this, had a plan of getting Jungkook back with her.

They went back to the hotel where taehyung and jungkook were staying at. And to there surprise, Jungkook had a big smile plastered on his face, making him look so bright.

His eyes were glued on the television screen that he didn't realize that they were there.

His smile disappeared with the sight of the two together.

His heart broke again. He realized that she had picked Taehyung. He smiled bitterly at them.

" Jungkook, im sorry." she said, she was looking straight at him when Taehyung went outside for their privacy.

he scoffed.

" I'm sorry that your hurt, but its for you."

he looked at her with full of confusion. 

his tears are threatening to fall, he hugged her despite what his mind was telling him.

" i will have the surgery."

his eyes widened, his head shake side to sidde, he doesn't want to.

" no, you wont, i wont allow you." he insisted to fought back the tears, but failed when he started to sob.

" i have a rare case of hanaemi, jungkook and im growing weaj, and if i dont, then i will have to suffer. jungkook, im tired."

he was loss for words.

he couldnt accept anything

but to be there for her.

Everyday, her body would grow weak, she would throw up more and more.

it was only her parents, jungkook, and taehyung that knew what was happening.

they didn't bother to tell soojung nor wonwoo as they were busy preparing for their first baby.

she didnt want to tell wonwoo beacuse she was afriad that he would blame himself; she didnt want anyone to be hurt anymore, she had enough putting people to her shoes.

and so the day arrived.

the day where hyerin will have surgery.

the day they all feared off.

the day that things will tragically change.

she was still doubting herself whether its the right thing to do, but her mom, Taeyeon, had said that it was better to feel nothing than to suffer everything.

its been ten hours since the surgery started, yet there was still no news from the doctors regarding to the surgery.

then, a doctor arrived,

he was wearing a saddened expression.

" what happened?" baekhyun said, he couldn't bear the crying of his wife.

" We were able to remove hanaemi but, this is a rare case. the part where the hanaemi was located was connected to her brain, especialy where the memories were all kept. in other words, she couldnt remember anything once she wake up after her long slumber, we expect her to be in coma. she wouldnt even remember her name." the doctor said before turning away.

their mouths was left with pained sobings. 

*HANAEMI*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin