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BRUSHES was all over Hyerin's face, the powders made her scrunt her nose. Hands all over her hair. She was undeniably uncomfortable.

She looked at her reflection, she was beautiful. Her white gown had flown to the ground, her accessories blinded her, she was nonetheless, Gorgeous.

A squeal had made Hyerin to stop looking at herself, it was her mother. Taeyeon, herself, was much more pretty, more sophisticated, more elegant than others and yet, she was squealing like a teenager.

" My Hyerin was beautiful, gorgeous, magnificent.. I mean look at you. Look at yourself darling, if I would be a guy, I would definitely fell for you." She said with an awe, she was pretty much in awe to her child.

" Welp, thanks to my sperm, we would be able to create a beautiful child like her. Or was it positions?" Baekhyun said half jokingly. He wanted to make them laugh especially Hyerin, as he know that she's not used to this kind, and she's having some hard time.


Hyerin stood where the coordinator said she will, there are bridesmaids in line, but she noticed, she was the only one who had no partner.

She was flustered of embarrassment, no one asked her to be their partner. The realization hit her and she was much more saddened.

A hand had traveled to her wrist, she was about to run.

" Where you going my lady?" A voice said, she couldn't distinguish the voice as she was lowering her head down.

" My Majesty, is everything alright?" The honorifics were amusing her, yet she didn't looked up.

His hand had gone to her chin, he looked at her face.

" My princes, you look so pretty." It was Jungkook.

Her stiff body had relaxed, but her heart had been racing. He was looking at her straight, as if looking through her soul. She saw how his eyes had traveled from her eyes to lips. He was tempted.


Soojung was beautiful as ever with her white gown, walking on the red carpet. All eyes were on her, her beauty was alluring, she was glowing, her smiles were series of flashes, never ending.

She lost counts on how many times she went to comfort room, she lost how many time she had to fix her make up, she lost count on how many times she heard her heart shatter,.

The people was loud, cheering as they were officially husband and wife, Mr. And Mrs. Jeon.

They were at the reception where people had lots of fun. The dance floor was on fire as the Newlyweds had been dancing to some erotic music.

It was such a happy place, the laughter and the smiles where to be seen and heard, but for Hyerin, she was suffocated.

She cannot interact with people who were genuinely happy because she thought that she'd be lying to herself if she act like one.

Baekhyun had noticed it and came to her daughter.

" Dad, how long do I have to suffer?" Hyerin said as she eyed down the people beneath her, all smiling.

" Hyerin, I don't know when this will be okay, but I promise you this is just ephemeral, temporary. Be patient as God has plans for you." He said hugging his daughter before going back to Taeyeon's side.

She took her time alone to explore the place, it was like a castle with some modern furnitures.

Her walk is slow, trying to balance herself with the high heels.

The paintings was there to amuse her.

There was a painting that caught her eye, it was a painting of a girl and a boy kissed with cloth wrapped around each others head.

The painting itself has lots of possible meaning, may it could be lovers that'd be going, or may it could be love that is not possible. Her head is thinking for possible meaning.

Her head tilt to the side, it landed on a hard surface. She was shocked and was about to remove her head when a hand had hinder her to do so.

" Maybe its a blind date. Two lovers trying to kiss through separate grey hoods, lips never meeting, clothes dry suffocating the tongue. They cannot see each other, they cannot feel each other, cannot even kiss: it's a masterpiece of sexual frustration. But the cornice above their head suggests the bourgeois imprisonment of a couple glued to each other by a convection yet blocked each other. Perhaps they didn't know each other at all. It's the nightmare of a lonely relationship. Those hood could double as shroud." It was Jungkook, no wonder she felt comfortable.

His statement had made her in awe. How could he know this? What made him say this?

" This is Magritte, the lovers. The lovers here had barriers that hinder them to feel each other, simply putting them into sexual frustration." He added.

" I have known this much as it is what I have felt, but not in sexual frustration, but simply and generally in love." He clarified.

Hyerin was caught off guard in his answer. She knew he had the disease, but why is he saying this? Was it that girl, Joohyun?

Those questions had clouding her mind.


They had come down to see the others.

Wonwoo had excused himself, he ran with open arms and engulfed her, she didn't expect any feelings.

People was eyeing them, how could they not, well the newlywed groom had been hugging a girl, more specifically, the bride's sister.

" Wonwoo" his name rolled out, it was soft yet it hide a lot of pain.

" Rin, you look so beautiful." He said as he examined her from head to toe.

" I missed you, and now your my sister." He said while hugging her again. He was beyond happy.

Hyerin had been smiling like a fool now.

" Im happy very happy." She said, cheeks burning from smiling.

" Im very happy too." Soojung said hugging her also.

" Unnie congrats, you look very comely ." Hyerin said, engulfing her sister.

Wide smiles had been covering their faces.

" Mind to borrow your sister?" Jungkook said smiling at them.

" Sure." Soojung said.

" let it out." He said as they arrived at the garden.

" Huh?" Hyerin said wondering.

" Don't act dumb, your eyes are showing pain." He said engulfing her into his arms.

" Nah, I'm ok, Im smiling. I'm fine." She said.

" I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm-" sobbs was to break the thick ice that shrouded them

" Its ok to cry." He said, hands travelling down to her back and caress it softly.

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