the dusk chronicles: unbitten

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the two girls, alexis and sarah walked along the school halls but sarah noticed something that had stopped her. alexis noticed and paused beside her. a way too familiar group of vampires walked into school, looking at "cool" as ever. erica was with them, right next to jesse. she had changed her look entirely. it seemed like erica wasn't going for the curly-haired vampire anymore.

"hey, sarah. what's wrong? you're looking a little underfed," sarah snarkily remarked, an evil smile on her face.

sarah looked at both jesse and erica before scoffing, "what happened to you?"

"the best thing ever," she replied. "it's not too late. join us, and then we can be best friends forever." jesse looked at his ex, a large evil smile on his face. it made alexis uncomfortable.

"never." sarah shook her head.

"you're making the biggest mistake of your life," jesse said. "well, what's left of it."

"isn't that cute?" erica said, rubbing her hand against jesse's cheek. "i think she still has a thing for you."

sarah scoffed not too lightly, "i've got something for both of you and it's made of wood and really sharp."

jesse chuckled, "sarah. you've been replaced." both erica and jesse had their arms wrapped around each other as they leaned in, making out sort of sloppily.

alexis had to turn away, she was so disgusted. sarah seemed to have the same reaction.

"oh! you're still coming to the dusk premiere though, right? bff."

alexis couldn't take much more of the taunting against her friend. she took her arm and wrapped it around sarah, pulling her away as they walked back down the halls.

they continued until they saw ethan and benny who were sat on the floor, watching a computer.

"hey, what'd we miss?" alexis questioned, an innocent smile on her lips as she sat next to benny, sarah went over and sat next to ethan. She smiled.

benny frowned and turned towards her, "the absolute worst news yet."

"we have to go see dusk three..." ethan quietly murmured.


the group began their training. ethan and benny tried ripping off some individual fence stakes. ethan managed to hurt his finger as he sucked on it lightly while benny struggled to pull one before sarah came over and quickly stripped the needed amount easily, her vampire strength coming through.

they moved over to the haybales, etham going first and his first attempt not going smoothly as he fell to the ground. alexis sighed and looked away.

he managed another try, jumping the first bale and doing a spin, sticking it into the scarecrow they had customly made to be a vampire dummy. benny jumped onto the bale, slipping and falling which earned laughs from the group as well. alexis jumped onto the first bale, her feet catching her and she spun around, sticking one stake into the chest and the other pointing out.

they picked up some of the nerf guns, taking shots at the dummy and hitting every shot. benny and ethan high-fived, earning a playful eyeroll from alexis and sarah.

benny ran in and pushed ethan out of the way, doing a spin and shooting the dummy then continuing to run.

they went to gather holy water, successfully filling the nerf guns instead so they'd shoot water instead of little nerf darts. sarah managed to help, but she was wearing a full protection suit and gloves, careful to the core.


sarah, alexis and benny waited downstairs, waiting for ethan to come down as he put on his jacket. "hey, jane? we'll be back soon, okay?"

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