dorky enterprises p.t 3

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jesse pulled sarah over to face us, sarah looking at us in fear. "don't they look delicious?"

sarah turned towards jesse. "no, not them! i know these kids. i'm babysitting them."

"well, i'm sorry but.. wait. you still need a babysitter?" jesse asked, actually looking confused.

benny, rory and alexis held their hands up, pointing at ethan. "oh, no, no. HE, he needs a babysitter."

"no i don't!"

the main guy who stopped us began laughing, looking up. "so, why exactly do you need a babysitter?"

"no one here needs a babysitter, okay?" ethan defensively told them.

"just because he's a vampire, does he have to be such a dorkwad? seriously..?" benny quietly said, though the guy heard him, hissing and jumping at the group.

jesse stopped him. "woah, woah, woah, stop! stop! stop! iniations will follow tradition. fledglings drink first." jesse looks at sarah with a smirk, someone from behind pushing rory up as volunteer.

there was a long pause of awkward silence, erica licking her new fangs as she rubbed her hands together. sarah swallowed and looked at rory, sadness in her eyes.

"sarah don't!" ethan called, running up to grab sarah's hand. he stopped, gasped and looked up, like when he touched sarah in his house. ethan pulled back.

"oh, i will do it," erica said, pushing sarah out of the way.

"girls, girls, there's no need to fight over me-" erica hesitated in excitement before sinking her fangs into rory's neck, cutting him off. they both fell to the floor.

sarah stepped aside quickly and ripped two wooden legs off a chair and pointed them at the other vampires. "back. off. i mean it."

"sarah. seriously, where can you go?" jesse asked.

"benny!" ethan shouted before the two boys reached for a bowl of punch and threw it to the ground. ethan pushed the other two towards the door before knocking a lamp into the punch. he managed to electrocute two random vampires.

"we gotta find sarah!" ethan yelled.

"no, she's abandoned us, are you kidding me?!" benny screamed in response.

the group ran outside, once again jumping the brick wall and meeting up with sarah, getting near the car before three vampires flew in front of them. benny and ethan pulled out tanning bed lights, yet they were powered by something else.

"we're harnessing the force... of sunlight!" ethan huffed.

"it's actually ultraviolet radiation in the spectrum--similar to the sun," benny said, swinging at one of them.

"no way! it works!"

"this is so wick'!"

ethan laughed, "good thing your grandma liked to tan. it's from his grandma's tanning bed."

"you guys are king dorks!" sarah and alexis yelled, benny chuckled.

"the force is powerful in you, young padawan," benny said, grunting while swinging.

"you're the padawan; i'm the jedi!" ethan argued.

"yeah, right! i'm the jedi master!"

"now can we run to the car?!" alexis shouted, making sure everyone got in. benny and ethan got into the back, swinging their lights while alexis sat in the passenger seat. they drive off, managing to escape the vampires quickly.

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