jilly putty

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erica shut her locker, heading over to the other side where sarah and alexis were in their lockers. alexis traded in a book to her locker before shutting it lightly and leaning against it, watching sarah still in hers.

"i'm getting my hair done after school, wanna come?" erica asked the other two.

sarah furrowed her eyebrows. "why are you getting a makeover for the yearbook photo? vampires don't even show up on film."

"i know, but this would have been my first hot yearbook photo ever. the others were..."

"not... the best of you," sarah finished.

"ah yes, nerdy boring erica," alexis joked, smirking and winking at the very truly attractive girl.

erica turned her head towards alexis, glaring at her before rolling her eyes. "i don't care if nobody else can see it. i'll know i looked good."

"what about you? don't you care?" alexis asked, pushing a strand of her hair back behind her ear.

sarah sighed, "i don't know. i kind of just wish i can forget this whole year."

ethan crept around the corner and darted straight for sarah, "hey, sarah? uhm.. a girl just asked me if she could trust me. what does that mean? is it a trap?"

"what does that mean?" sarah replied.

"what do you mean?"

"sarah," erica cut in, "you have got to stop hanging out with him. you're turning into the same person. next thing you know, you'll be reading comic books and snorting when you laugh."

ethan snorted at erica, alexis sharing a weird look with him. "hannah price just asked me if she could trust me. can she?"

"can she?" sarah asked.

"i can't watch this happen," erica sighed, walking off.

"if she wants to trust you with something, it probably means she likes you."

"really? what do i do?"

"just see what happens. think of it as an experiment."

"good idea. i need to collect more data," ethan said, smiling and walking off.

sarah giggled and watched him, letting out a snort which made alexis smirk slowly.

"didn't happen. tell no one," sarah mumbled before rushing off.


"hey, benny?" alexis asked, walking up to benny.

he turned around with a smile and nodded. "yeah?"

alexis's heart raced and her hands began shaking, she needed to apologize.

but she was too nervous and ended up taking off, she could hear the faint calls of benny from behind her but she didn't stop.

she rushed home, heading into her bathroom. she took a deep breath, looking in the mirror when tiny drops of tears filled her eyes. why was she so scared to apologize to this boy? why was she so mean to him? why did she like him?

she noticed her reflection blinking in the mirror, proving that her fledgling transformation was almost complete. "being a vampire can't be that bad, right?"

alexis's thoughts were interrupted by loud smacking against her front door. she traveled quickly to the door, taking a deep breath when quick thoughts filled her head.

please don't be benny, please don't be benny. anyone but benny.

she opened the door quickly and there revealed to benny. she took another deep breath, looking around before at him. "look benny, if you're here about earlier, i-i'm sorry about always hitting you. i never thought about your feelings or if it hurt you. and i'm sorry-and i'm not sure why it took me so long to apologize, i guess sarah just-"

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