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Jeremy started to shake, the young male's breathing went heave. "Well? Get up!" Roy yelled at Jeremy. He tried to get up but barely could, Jeremy could feel Roy pull his arm.


Michael left the cafeteria and ate lunch in the bathroom, which was something Jeremy and him did. He sat against the wall eating his sushi and drinking his blue raspberry slushy while listening to Bob Marley. Michael didn't even finish his sushi before he started to cry, he felt so horrible, he should of tried to stop Jeremy from going, maybe a part of this was his fault.

Christine never got her mind off of what Michael said, it couldn't be true could it? Maybe Michael just made it up to mess with them right? Well during last period an announcement on the PA system came on saying "hello students, we regret to inform you, but one of your fellow classmates, Jeremy Heere, has been reported missing, we highly recommended if you are walking home you walk home with another person or try getting a ride with a friend or someone you know closely, if any of you have any information on this case you can go to the office or anonymously call ###-###-####, Thank you for listening"

Christine, Jake, Rich, Chloe, and Brooke all froze in their seats, so the rumour was true. Jeremy Heere went missing, and it was probably because of their disgusting prank.


Roy punched Jeremy in the face knocking him to the ground, yet again. "Now don't you dare try that shit again you hear him?!" Roy screamed at him, the small boy nodded.

Jeremy got put back into the trunk of the truck, but this time he managed to sneak his phone in. It didn't have a lot of battery left so he knew he'd have to make this call quick. Jeremy decided to call Michael, the reason why he wanted to call Michael is because he knows that Michael Who's most likely at home, would answer than his father who's at work. It was hard to dial the number because his hands were tied but luckily it wasn't behind his back. He could hear the dial tone, but soon he heard Michael "Hey Michael, I might not have to much time to talk I'm at 3% but I needed to call you as soon as I could" Jeremy said as the Sounds of his arms hitting the sides of the truck.


Michael was sitting in his room, staring at the ceiling. But he heard his phone start to ring, he immediately answered hoping it was Doug and that he had new information about Jeremy but instead, he heard the one and only Jeremy Heere. Michael chocked slightly listening to every word that his favourite person had to say.

"Oh my god Jeremy! What happened? Where are you?" Michael asked his heart racing, the last person he thought would be calling him would be Jeremy. "I-I got kidnaped Michael, I'm locked in the trunk of a truck, Michael please help me! You're my only hop-" Jeremy was saying until he got cut off by the harsh sudden stop, his phone got smashed against his hand causing the call to end.

"Jeremy!?" Michael called out.

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