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"My names Jeremy" he replied, he was going to use a fake name but he couldn't think of one off the top of his head and he knew if he took to long to respond she'd get suspicious so he didn't even try lying.

"Ah Cool" Naomi said, she felt like she's seen him before but she can't quite put it where. The girl ended up brushing it off.

About half an hour or so later Jeremy was standing off to the side watching teens drinking and doing some rather hardcore drugs he was wondering where the fuck he was. It might sound strange but he was no clue where he is, all he knows is that he's never seen this town before. The young teen tried to figure out where he was but to no avail, he was still clueless.

Eventually Jeremy walked up to Naomi and asked softly "um...I know this is a really stupid question but...what town is this?" He asked hoping to get an answer, Jeremy would of already knew if he didn't accidentally break his phone.

"Wow you must of gotten really fucked up fast, well to answer your question it's Granisle" Naomi answered. Jeremy sat there confused, of course he can't name every city in America but he never remembered hearing about that city.

"Wh...Where is that exactly?" He asked softly his voice cracked a little bit. He'd like to hope that she didn't lie about where they were.

"In BC, are...are you okay Jeremy?" Naomi asked getting concerned if he was drugged or not, she looked in his eyes Checking for any sign of the boy being drugged.

"Wait! BC? You mean like in Canada!?"


Rich and Michael turned over to the voice that just spoke, the one and only Connor Murphy stood there. Connor was a very antisocial person and never talks to anyone, he's also a rather aggressive person so both Rich and Michael were slightly taken a back that Connor was willing to help them. "You were the one who sent that letter?" Michael asked softly.

"Nope. I came hear to scream freeze your brain at the top of my lungs like I do every day at this time. Yeah I left that note dipshit, anyway sorry I was late I got caught up with something" Connor said looking at the one rather tall teenager and the other shorter teenager.

"Oh...you wanted to help us?..." Rich asked looking up at the pale teen in all black. Both of them couldn't come with any reason of why Connor would want to help.

"No actually, I just called you hear to play the most fucked up joke I could think of. Who the fuck do you think I fucking am? That nasty ass troll doll Jared Kleinman? I'm not that much of a insensitive cunt" Connor snapped slightly but calmed down "I'm...I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you, I just hate how people assume I'm like him. Anyway, I was one the deep web and I found something rather interesting." He explains looking through his bag.

"Wait, you just causally go on the deep web from time to time?" Rich asked confused, he'd never thought Connor did that kinda thing but then again he didn't really know anything about him so maybe he would.

"Yeah I do, like every day. But that's not important!" Connor sated getting frustrated, he wasn't frustrated at Michael and Rich. The male just couldn't find that damn paper.

"Are you gonna be awhile?" Rich asked getting slightly impatient. Connor rolled his eyes in response eventually finding the paper he need pulling it out.

"Here" Connor said passing a crumpled paper to the other teens. They hasitated not really knowing what to expect, soon Michael slowly reached for the paper his hand shaking as a olden brigne and his breath heave as semi track.

Michael looked over the letter reading it.

"Oh god..."

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