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Michael stood there for a moment trying to process what just happened, Jeremy had called him, he told him that he has been kidnaped, and now the call has ended abruptly. Michael quickly got up going straight to Mr. Heere's house, banging on the door hoping he'd answer.

"Michael? What are you doing here? Is something wrong?" Doug asked opening the door, looking at Michael. "It's Jeremy! He called me! He's been kidnaped!" Michael explained out of breath from the long run, The fathers face turned to one of pure shock. He took Michael inside calling the police immediately, a police officer came over right away.


Jeremy cringed with pain feeling the phone shatter against his hand, he felt terrified when the truck stopped. The young boy was praying the Roy wasn't angry, but when the trunk door opened he was furious.

"Give me the phone right now! Or would you rather me get physical?" His kidnapper demanded holding his hand out, Jeremy being scared held his hand out tearing up slightly as he hand was bleeding.

Roy noticed his hand, when he took the now broken phone out of his hand throwing it across the highway. "Get up, and go sit in the front seat, don't even try running." Roy said in a humourless tone, Jeremy nodded listening going to the front seat sitting awaiting for what was going to happen.


Michael explained the whole call with Jeremy in perfect detail, telling every little thing. The police nodded "Okay, so Mr. Mell were gonna need your phone so we can track down Jeremy's phone, alright?" He stated looking in Michael's eyes, Michael didn't hesitate for a single second, he quickly headed it over to the police officer, Michael would do anything he could to help find Jeremy.


When Jeremy sat in the front seat watching Roy walk around the truck to get in, he expected only the worse to happen. But instead, Roy asked "can I see your a hand for a moment?" Jeremy looked confused but he gave his kidnapper his hand. Roy examined the young boys hand, before pulling out Electric tape. "I don't have anything but this, but this should do" he said wrapping it around Jeremy hand to stop the bleeding. Jeremy was completely shocked, he expected to, get hit or something, but instead he helped his hand.

"I'll let you stay up here if you promise not to try to escape. Alright?" Roy asked him with? Empathy? "O-Okay" Jeremy said softly.
He nodded and started the truck as they drove down the highway.


The police department managed to track Jeremy's phone, it was on the side of the 69 highway that was almost out of state. Not only that but it was smashed and covered in blood, when the DNA test came back the results were that it was indeed Jeremy's blood. Michael didn't know about this until in the middle of third period the principal came on the PA system to say "Hello students, I'm devastated to bring you the news that you're fellow peer that has recently went missing, Jeremy Heere has been assumed dead. The police department found his phone smashed and covered in his blood, so they've called off the investigation for finding him, now let's a moment of silence for the passing of your fellow student, Jeremy heere" the principal said disappointed.

Michael froze in his seat, the whole class went noiseless. The rest of the lesson was really quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Soon after it was lunch period came around. Michael went to his locker to put his books away when Jake and Rich walked up to him,"hey, we just wanted to say...we're sorry...It was just supposed to be a harmless prank, we...didn't mean it to go this far..." Rich said softly, guilt soaked in his voice.

"It's too late to apologize. Apologizing won't bring back Jeremy, if you were really sorry you should of said it along time ago, now please move so I can leave" Michael said slamming his door, he was so angry that those assholes had the nerve to apologize now. He turned to leave the school, when Christine stopped him "we are truly sorry, we didn't know it would go this far" she said begging for mercy. "You're the last one who should be apologizing, your the main reason he's gone! He's gone because of you, Christine! He's fucking dead because of all of you!" Michael screamed at them before storming off.

He ran home in tears before the school day ended, his parents weren't home yet when Michael went up to his bedroom sobbing hysterically. He couldn't believe it, he lost his best friend, the best person in his life, the greatest person he'd ever met. Just gone.


A funeral was held for Jeremy, they buried an empty casket since a body was never found. Michael have a speech about how important Jeremy was in not only his life but other peoples lives. He tried so hard not to break down at the funeral and nearly failed. Michael watched them bury the empty casket, both him and the father who just lost his son cried together.

Here lies Jeremy heere
Who passed too soon
2000 - 2017

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