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Christine was losing her mind, she's barely slept in this past week. She can't stop seeing and hearing Jeremy, it's like he's haunting her for what she had done. Christine ended up cutting her hair short and stopped caring about doing anything anymore.

She stopped going to rehearsal, she kinda stopped eating, she barely showers, stopped talking to anyone including her parents who she was very close to, and started breaking rules and acting reckless.

Everyone was getting worried about her but if anyone tried to help Christine would push them away and gets aggressive. She's also been partying and trying weed and pills. All she wears are hoodies and dark clothing. Christine's also not nice anymore, she's rather rude to anyone and everyone.

Christine doesn't know how much longer she can take of this.


Michael and Rich were losing hope on finding Jeremy, maybe the police were right he's probably dead. They stopped looking all together, Michael if course didn't want to stop looking but what else could he do? There were no more clues or anything that could help them find Jeremy...so what could he do?


Jeremy got up looking around the room for something he could use to help get out because the door is locked, he managed to get his young hands on a hard metal crowbar.

Jeremy held it in his soft hands staring down at the stained weapon, his breathing heavy. The young male walked to the old wooden door touching the What once was shiny but now was faded doorknob.

He gently turned it opening the door quietly leaning outwards, Roy was nowhere to be seen. Jeremy went through the olden door walking down the stairs, he felt his feet touch each and every step going down the vintage staircase. Jeremy could overhear a telephone call that Roy was having.

"Will he be ready by Monday?...why yes, he'll most definitely be ready by then...What's his name? The boys name is Jeremy Heere...and his condition? Well Jeremy has an injured hand but it is healing up rather quickly good sir...now now, we agreed on 70,000..." Roy's conversation went.

Jeremy's jaw dropped, Roy was going to sell him not only that but the only reason he probably treated his hand was because it meant he was worth more. He felt anger fill him from head to toe, the young males hand started shaking while holding the crowbar. Soon the mans call ended, Jeremy felt all anger he's been holding in for far to damn long.

The young male walked up slowly raising the weapon and soon, BAM! He hit Roy in the head knocking him to the ground "What the absolute fuck!?" Roy roared and was about to get up until Jeremy hit him once again, and he did it again, again and again. The poor young boy did it until blood was everywhere and anywhere to be seen.

When he had finished beating his captor, his face turned to one of absolute pure and genuine horror. Never in his life did he ever expect to kill a man, let a alone his kidnapper who was might I add a hell of a lot stronger than he was.

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