Gavin- Photograph

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This is another song based imagine, so like always, you can listen to the song whilst reading the imagine. I hope you enjoy

You and Gavin have been friends since you had 2 years left at school. Mikey had introduced you to him and ever since then you have been best friends, always trying to hang out with each other whenever was possible
Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes, but it's the only thing that I know
You had been in 5 different relationships. They all ended up badly. 1 of them ended in abuse 3 ended in the boy cheating. 1 ended in the boy saying he was only with you for the popularity.  You were used to it by now though. If you were in a relationship you knew it would end bad eventually. It got to the point where you were scared to get in a relationship.
When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
You would only be effected by the bad break up for one day then you tried to forgot about it. It didn't always work. You would be home  just sitting there in silence and you would suddenly start crying. You found it hard to carry on for the rest of the day. Gavin would always come and sit with you and comfort you, to make sure you were ok, and to keep you calm.
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive
At the end of the day, you knew that you would eventually get through this,find someone you truly love,and be with them for the rest of your life. You knew everything happened for a reason. You wouldn't be alive though if it wasn't for mikey, Jake,and Gavin.(the boys) They were always there for you.
We keep this love in a photograph
Your camera roll was filled with pics of you and the boys, but mainly Gavin. Every selfie you and him took you showed to mikey and Jake. Mikey and Jake always said there was something in Gavins eyes, that when he looked at you, there was a sparkle, like he liked you. Mikey and Jake always asked you if you liked Gavin and you always said no, even though you did like him.
We made these memories for ourselves, where our eyes are never closing
You and Gavin had made millions of memorys over the 4 years you had know each other. You barely got any sleep when you were with him because you'd be out making more memories. He would take you on late night beach walks by the sea, you would explore abandoned places, you would go for a walk near the Hollywood sign. It would be anything.
Hearts are never broken, and times forever frozen still
When you were with him, you knew he would never break your heart. You knew you would stay best friends, and hopefully become something more. When you were with him time froze. It felt like you were with him for the whole 24 hours,even if it was only 12 hours.  You could be yourself around him.
So you can keep me, inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
You wanted to stay with him forever. Whenever he went out, if he was wearing jeans, he would have a picture of you kept inside the pocket, so he could  look at it if he missed you.
Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet
Every time he hugged you he would hold you tight and never let you go. He would stare into your eyes, and many times you would go to kiss,but never did.
You won't ever be alone,wait for me to come home
He always made sure he was with you so you weren't alone. You also lived with him Mikey and Jake, and if he was out late at night, and you decided not to go, he would tell you to wait for him to get home before you went to sleep. He needed to give you that special hug,before you went to sleep.
Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul, and it's the only thing that I know
Ever since you noticed your feelings for Gavin you had been happier. He mended you. He made you forget about your terrible exes. You were getting used to Gavin having a special place in your heart (without him knowing)
Know I swear it will get easier
Gavin told you it would eventually get easier. It had ever since you moved in with him.
Remember that with every piece of you
Hm, and it's the only thing we take with us when we die
He had a piece of your heart and you had a piece of his. You wanted to be with him for the rest of your life.
Hm we keep this love in a photograph
The pictures of you and Gavin kept increasing. You take at least 30 a day. In every picture of you and Gavin, Mikey and Jake thought there was a spark between the both of you.
We made these memories for ourselves
The memories also kept increasing. You spent every day together.
Where our eyes are never closing
Finally, he asked you on a late night date. You then went on many more dates. He eventually asked you to be his girlfriend, and you said yes.
Hearts were never broken
You knew he would never break your heart. He was to caring and kind.
And time's forever frozen still
Every day spent with him was the best. Time froze when you were with him.
So you can keep me
He wanted to be with you for the rest of your life. He wanted to get married to you, have children, and have your own family apartment.
Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet
He still kept pictures of you in his pocket, but they changed as you took more and more pictures. He held you close every time you hugged. He then would look into your eyes and kiss you.
You won't ever be alone
He told you he would never leave you. He would stay with you forever.
And if you hurt me
You knew he would never hurt you. He wasn't like all the others. He was kind and caring.
That's okay baby, only words bleed
He would never say anything nasty or hurtful to you. He cared about you to much.
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go
He would always hold you tight and never let you go. You even had a memory book of all of your memorys.
Wait for me to come home
If you or him went out late at night but not together, 1 would always wait for the other to come home, before they went to sleep. This was so when they came back they would wrap up next to the other one into a big hug.
You can fit me
Inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen
When you left school, you and Gavin went to the big school dance (prom), together. He got you a necklace with a picture of him inside as a present. You wore it every single day.
Next to your heartbeat where I should be
Gavin always made sure you had it on. He wanted to be near your heart. He belonged there.
Keep it deep within your soul
He wanted you to keep the memories and everything about him inside your soul and heart.
And if you hurt me
Well, that's okay baby, only words bleed
He would never abuse you and he would never say hurtful things to you.
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go
The memory book kept getting bigger. He never ever let you go.
When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me
He went back to new jersey for thanksgiving. You didn't go. You remembered his kisses everyday and you missed him to much. You couldn't wait to see him again.
Under the lamppost back on Sixth street
He kissed you multiple times under the lamppost in rodeo drive. It was perfect.
Hearing you whisper through the phone,
"Wait for me to come home."
It was the day before he came home. He rang you and told you to wait for him. You did exactly that and met him at the airport the next day.

You and him lived happily ever after, got married and ended up with your own apartment and 3 kids.

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