Patrick Minor- If only you knew ...

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18 years old and social media famous. If you would have told me that at a young age I wouldn't believe you as it didn't seem realistic then, and still doesn't now. My life had improved for the better from this, I gained a lot of positives from this, such as I made brand new friends, and they where the best people I've ever met. When I first met all 7 of them I was a bit shy. Now I've known them for so long I'm as comfortable as ever round them. They are my best friends and I couldn't be happier. There was just one though, that I wish I wasn't best friends with. I wanted to be more, but then I couldn't say anything because surely he only saw me as his friend. Blue eyes, blondey brown hair, a crazy personality, always up to anything. Patrick was everything I looked for in a boy. Little did I know how he felt towards me ...
I spent half of the year in my hometown of New Jersey with Mikey, Jake, Tyler, and Ademir. I then spent the other half of the year in San Diego with Patrick, Justin, and Dk.  Sometimes we would all spend time with each other either in New Jersey or California, but this time Mikey, Jake, and Tyler had gone to San Diego to meet up with the boys. I decided stayed in New Jersey as I wanted to stay with the family. Ademir stayed in New Jersey as he had a new job, meaning he couldn't travel as much.
It's been 1 month since Mikey, Jake and Tyler flew to San Diego, and since I saw them, and 7 months since I saw Patrick, DK, and Justin. I missed them all, but missed Patrick most. Sometimes I would have happy days where I missed him, but managed to get through the day, and other days I missed him so much I didnt want to get out of bed. Today was what I would call a bad day. I missed him so much it was unbearable. I decided to stay in bed all day as I didn't want to move. What made it worse was there was only one person who knew about my crush on him, and he was in  San Diego having the time of his life, so I couldn't speak to anyone.
I had been in bed 2 hours and decided enough was enough. I FaceTimed Mikey to let my feelings out.  He answered straight away and instantly knew what was up.
Mikey- Hey y/n how are you?
Y/N- Mikey is it just you there ? Is there anyone else in the room with you?
Mikey- No, why, what's up ?
Y/N- It's another one of those days. I miss him so much Mikey it's unbearable. I need to see him. I need to be there with him. I need his hugs, his laughs, his smiles ....
I tried to carry on talking to Mikey, about how I felt, about Patrick, and about how much I missed him . I didnt get far until I burst out crying.
Mikey- Please don't cry. It will get better. You'll see him before you know it. You need to tell him how you feel.
Y/N- I can't tell him Mikey. He won't feel the same. Why would he like someone like me ?
Mikey- Y/N you're beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have you. If you don't tell him I will. By the way he's now coming in the room and he sounds upset. Stay on the phone but don't say anything and I'll try and hide the phone, as that way you can see him.
Y/N- Okay. Thank you Mikey.
Mikey hid the phone and you saw Patrick come in the room. You had to stop yourself from screaming at how cute he was. What you heard next though changed everything.
Mikey - You alright Patrick ?
Patrick- No not really.
Mikey- Why, what's up?
Patrick- I miss her Mikey. I miss her being here, spending as much time with me as possible, laughing at every stupid joke I make, seeing her beautiful smile,her hugs, everything.
This made you mad. You thought how he had a crush on another girl, and how hard it would be to see him with her.
Mikey- Who is it?
Patrick- I've told you who I like.
Mikey- No, you haven't. Just tell me.
Patrick- Ok. It's Y/N.
This made your heart rate speed up. He liked you too. You thought you where dreaming so you had to pinch yourself. Patrick then left the room after Mikey said he had to tell her. Mikey came back to the phone.
Mikey- I told you he would like you.
Y/N- I know that now Mikey.
Mikey- He honestly misses you so much Y/N. He doesn't stop talking about you. You need to do something about it. Book the next flight here.
Y/N- I don't have enough money. I'm 50 dollars short.
Mikey- Then I'll pay the rest.
Y/N- Are you sure ?
Mikey- Yep. I'll transfer the money to you, and I'll pick you up from the airport. That way you can surprise him. Just text me when you are landing.
Y/N- Thank you so much Mikey. I'll hopefully see you tomorow. Bye.
Mikey- Bye
You went on your laptop. You saw the first flight to San Diego was in 5 hours. That gave you enough time to pack and say your goodbyes, and you would be there by tomorow. You text Mikey to tell him the details and started to get ready to catch the flight.
First of all you went and said goodbye to Ademir, Brianna, Mama Manfs, and your old school friends.  You then went home to pack. You took nearly all of your wardrobe as you knew you'd be gone a long time. You knew not to worry if you didn't pack enough though because the boys would probably lend you clothes. They usually did. You then went to the airport.
The next day
I had just texted Mikey to say I would be landing in an hour. I was thinking about telling Patrick how I feel, and I was getting nervous. I was getting so deep in to my thoughts that I didn't even realise my plane had landed. I grabbed my backpack and got of the plane, waiting to get my suitcase. I always hated airports as they took so long before you could do anything. I then grabbed my suitcase and tried to find Mikey. I saw a boy with curly, brown hair, and realised it was him. We made eye contact and I ran up to him, jumping on him, and hugging him as tight as possible. He was basically a brother to me so this was normal.
Mikey- Hey y/n how was your flight ? I told the boys about our plan so they could distract Patrick when you walk in. Patrick doesn't suspect anything, he thought I was just going on a drive!
Y/N- That's a good idea. I can't wait to surprise him. My flight wasn't too bad, it went quicker than I thought. Also, I'm thinking of telling Patrick today.
Mikey- Yes, finally! Shall we go. I'll just quickly text the boys to warn them we're coming.
Y/N- Okay. Let's go !
We pulled up to the house and I couldn't wait to see him. I had been waiting for too long!
Mikey went in first to make sure he was distracted then came back out, to tell me he was watching the telly and so was distracted.
Mikey- So what are you going to do ?
Y/N- I'm gonna put my hands over his eyes and say guess who then I think I'll sit down and tell him.
Mikey- Ok good luck
I then walked in, Mikey following behind me. I waved to the boys and then walked to Patrick. I put my hands over his eyes, waiting for his reaction.
Y/N- Guess who
Patrick- Oh My God Y/N
Y/N- Hey how are you?
Patrick- No way are you actually here. I've missed you so much.
Y/N- I've missed you so much more. I'm so happy to be here.
I then leaned into him and we hugged each other for 5 minutes. It felt good to be this close to him again. I then walked up to Justin, DK, Tyler, and Jake. I didnt hug Mikey as I already did that in the airport. I then went back to Patrick and hugged him again. He then sat me up and it seemed like he wanted to speak to me about something important. Everyone seemed to know about what was about to happen as they all moved into the kitchen, leaving me and Patrick alone.
Patrick- Y/N I need to tell you something
Y/N- Patrick I need to tell you something aswell, but you speak first.
Patrick- Ok so ever since I first met you I could tell we would be really close. You are beautiful, funny, amazing, smart, and your personality is amazing. You are basically the girl version of me and that's what I look for in a girl. I'm so glad that we met. I couldn't be more thankful. These past 7 months have been the hardest months of my life without you. I felt like a part of me was missing. FaceTime just isn't the same as seeing someone in person. So, will you be my girlfriend ?
Y/N- Patrick, I was gonna ask you exactly the same question. Your so funny that every time you make a joke, I get a belly ache from laughing so hard. Your handsome, your cute, your amazing, and you aren't just my best friend, you are my everything. I will quite happily be your girlfriend.
You sat opposite Patrick staring at each other, admiring each other's features for what felt like forever, when ....

Part 2 will be up soon

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