Mikey - Fights

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This is a request from thatonelosertia I hope you enjoy.
It was just an average day in California. Mikey, Jake and Patrick had gone out to Wal-Mart to cause more trouble. You and Justin had decided to stay in the apartment. You would normally love to get kicked out of Wal-Mart but today you felt sick, and couldn't move, so you had to stay at the apartment. Justin stayed as he had made such a mess, Mikey made him stay inside to tidy up.
You layed on the couch, watching your favourite series on Netflix, Riverdale of course. You couldn't move so there was nothing else for you to do. Justin had finished tidying downstairs and was about to go upstairs, to tidy up there.
Justin-I'm gonna head up stairs. Do you need anything before I go.
Tia- No I'll be fine thank you
Justin- Ok just call me if you need me
Tia- will do
He had only been up stairs 5 minutes and you had to call him. You where about to throw up but you couldn't get to the toilet without help. He came downstairs. He held your waist as you had your arm around his neck. You where trying your hardest to not fall over.  You had just made it to the toilet. You threw up everything you could, whilst Justin held your hair back. All of a sudden Mikey walked in, but you and Justin didn't hear him. He saw Justin holding your hair back and instantly got jealous. He stormed into the kitchen and decided to wait. He then saw you and Justin walking, in the same position as before,your arms round his neck, his arm round your waist, Mikey stormed upstairs. Justin layed you on the couch and got you some tablets to try and make you feel better.
Justin-I'm going to go and speak to Mikey
Tia- Ok. Thank you for everything you've done for me today.
Justin- It's ok. Your like my sister that I never had.  I'm gonna treat you like a sister from now on.
Tia-Ok have fun speaking to Mikey. Be prepared for probably some screaming and shouting.
Justin walked upstairs. The shouting started instantly. He was jealous of yours and Justin's closeness. Jake and Patrick then walked in. They asked what was happening and you told them everything. He told you Mikey had a rough day, and he needed someone to take his anger out on. It just happened to be Justin. After 10 minutes of shouting, it stopped. You didn't actually know what had happened but Justin came downstairs looking mad. You wondered why.
It had been an hour and Mikey still hasn't come down. The tablets had worked and you felt a lot better. You got up, and went to the toilet. When you came back Mikey was sitting on the couch.
Mikey- Tia can I talk to you
Tia-sure. What is it ?
Mikey- Upstairs. Alone.
You both walked upstairs. You where scared as to what he was going to say to you.
Mikey - Explain everything.
You just sat there,not sure on what to do or say.
Mikey- NOW!
Tia-Ok. Sorry.
You told him the story, everything from how you where so ill you couldn't move , to Justin having to help you so you weren't sick on the floor. Mikey didn't want to believe you. He thought there was something going on between you and Justin.
Tia- Fine don't believe me. I don't understand why you don't believe me though. Name one time I've cheated. Never. It's always me getting cheated on. Your just stuck in your own little world. Me and Justin are like brother and sister to each other. Do you seriously think I would do something like that to you when I love you so damn much.
Mikey- Tia I'm so sorry. I believe you.
Tia-Its to late now. You're sleeping on the couch tonight. I don't care how much you persuade me to not let this happen.
You walked out of the house. You needed alone time. You went down to Hollywood hills. It was your happy place and it always calmed you down being there. After an hour you decided to go back. You walked in the apartment. Everyone was asleep. You saw Mikey on the couch. You felt bad for him, but he caused the argument, so he got the punishment. You went up stairs and went to bed.
The next morning
I woke up and walked downstairs. Mikey was lying there, awake, watching something random on the telly. You needed to speak to him.
Tia- Mikey I need to speak to you
Mikey - ok what
Tia - well I've been thinking and I want to say, I'm so sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't of taken it out on you. It was my fault.
Mikey- Tia, it wasn't your fault. It was my fault and I'm sorry. Your my first proper girlfriend, and I'm so damn in love with you, I don't want to lose you. I was scared of the consequences. I guess I just saw you and Justin and I instantly got jealous, because I don't want to lose you. I understand now that you are basically siblings. It's just cause I'm very overprotective of you.
Tia - I understand as your my first proper boyfriend. I like overprotective, jealous, Mikey. It's kinda hot.
Mikey- Awh. Are you feeling better now by the way.
Tia-Yeah I'm feeling much better thank you. Can we put this all behind us and pretend it didn't happen.
Mikey - Of course. I love you billions baby.
Tia - I love you more baby.
Jake, Justin, and Patrick then walked downstairs.
Jake - I'm  so glad you've made up. We're going out by the way.
Jake, Justin and Patrick then went out. Me and Mikey laid on the couch, cuddled up together, watching the new episode of Riverdale. 5 minuites later we both fell asleep cuddled up together. Jake, Justin and Patrick all took pictures when they came back in, and posted it to Snapchat, saying how cute of a couple we where. I was so happy we had made up.  A week later and it was like it never happened. Me and Mikey were stronger than we'd ever been, and we'd all put it behind us.
I guess what they say is true. Fights only make you stronger as a couple.

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