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This one was requested by @mikeymanfsgirlfriend

Me and Mikey had been dating for a year and a half. I'd never forget the day he  asked me to be his girlfriend, the day we went on our first date, the first time we kissed, it was all memories I would never forget. I guess I have to thank Jake for that. He introduced me to Mikey in the first place.
Me and Jake have been friends since school started 12 years ago. All everyone used to say to us was, ' awh  Brittany and Jake how cute' , even though we where just best friends. We'd now both just dropped out from college as we decided to do YouTube instead. Tonight I was going round Jakes as he wanted me to meet his friend Mikey. Me and Mikey met and became best friends. Eventually we started dating. Jake didn't mind as long as Mikey didn't hurt me.
End flashback
That was how I started dating him, and if it wasn't for Jake, it wouldn't of probably happened.
New flashback
Me, Mikey and Jake all lived in an apartment in California. We loved it here. Today Jake was going home. Me and Mikey where going home tomorow. Me and Mikey decided to stay inside all day and relax. We'd been home 2 days when I started feeling sick, and couldn't stop throwing up. Eventually I went to the doctors as I couldn't stop throwing up for 2 weeks. They asked me if I'd taken a pregnancy test, and I said no. I got home later that day, took a test and found out I was pregnant. I never told anyone apart from Jake and mama manfs. They promised they wouldn't tell Mikey. I would tell him eventually but I wanted to wait for the right moment.
End flashback
I am now 1 month pregnant. I find out the gender in 1 week. I'm thinking I might tell Mikey then. I might do it as a surprise.
Mikey's pov
I decided to update my vlog with my idea for today. I started the camera and started talking, I'm going to surprise Brittany with tickets for Coachella today. She's being talking about wanting to go for ages now, so I've decided to surprise her with tickets. I ordered them and they came today so I thought,why not surprise her with them now. I decided to order the tickets so then I can propose to her at her favourite place. There will be loads of people watching but I'm excited. Jake and mama manfs are the only other people who know about this. I'm nervous but excited.
Mikey- Brittany can you come here please
Brittany-sure what is it
Mikey-Close your eyes
She closed her eyes and I put the tickets in her hand.
Mikey-You can open your eyes now
She opened her eyes. She saw the tickets. She screamed. She then started crying.
Brittany - Omg Mikey I don't know how to react. I've been wanting these tickets for ages and I finally have them. I couldn't thank you enough. I love you so much. You're the best.
Mikey- Awh it's ok anything for my princess. It's in 3 weeks.
Brittany - Ahhh I'm so excited.
1 week later
Brittanys pov
Today is the day of the baby's gender reveal. I got an envelope and put in the first scan of the baby. On the front of the letter I put, life is going to be hectic soon but it will be so much fun. Jake, and mama manfs where In the front room with me, when Mikey walked in.
Mikey- what's going on ?
Brittany-close your eyes
Mikey - ok
I was breaking out in a sweat. I was so nervous. He closed his eyes. I put the envelope into his hands.
Brittany - open your eyes
He opened his eyes and read the front.
Mikey - I'm confused
Brittany - open it
He opened it and saw the scan
Mikey - No. Are you being serious. This better not be a prank.
Brittany  - It's 100 percent real. You're going to be a dad. The next scan is in an hour if you want to come.
Mikey - I'm going to be a dad. I'm so happy. I'm excited. I'm nervous. Let's go to the scan.
1 hour later
You had arrived at the hospital. You where now in the room. The doctor was doing the scan.
Doctor- Would you like to know the gender?
Brittany - Do you want to Mikey ?
Mikey - Of course
Doctor- You're having a baby boy
You and Mikey where both excited. You had both hoped for a boy and the wish came true.
2 weeks later
Today was the day. It was Coachella time. You where now 2 months pregnant so you would have to be careful.
You had been at the concert for 6 hours. All of your favourite singers have performed, and even more where to come.
Mikey - Brittany can I speak to you about something .
Brittany- sure what is it
Mikey - So we've been dating 1 year and 8 months. They have been the best months of my life,and now we are having a baby boy together, which just makes our relationship even more perfect and me even happier. I'm so happy to be with you. You are beautiful,amazing, supportive and the best girlfriend in the world.
Every one around as started cheering.  I turned around to look at everyone. When I turned back around Mikey was on one knee.
Mikey  - Brittany Marie Noe will you marry me and  be my beautiful wife.
I started crying as I was so happy.
Brittany- Of course I will. I could never say no to you. Your the best thing to ever happen to me.
Me and Mikey carried on enjoying the concert as fiancees.
1 year later
Me Mikey and Jake sold the apartment in California. Me and Mikey moved into a house in New Jersey, Jake moved in across the street. Me and Mikey where happily married now and our son was 5 months old. We where a happy family and I wouldn't want to change this for the world.

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