Jake - DK's cousin

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Some cousins don't get on. Some spend as much time as they can with their cousins. I always spent time with my cousin DK. We even shared a house together. We where as close as we  could possibly be. Because of this I was friends with most of his friends, such as, Mikey, Jake, Justin and Patrick. He always told me to never get in a relationship with any of his friends. I never understood why, I just guessed he was over protective, which is why when I started thinking about one of his friends in a relationship way, I had to try to hide it. Every time he came round, I would get smiley and happy, but I always had to be careful, as I didn't want DK suspecting something. Jake just gave me butterflies,  and I knew no matter how much I wanted to tell him, I couldn't.
He was coming round today and me, him and DK where going to have a day at home, watching endless movies, and playing an endless amount of games. I was already nervous thinking about it, and what made it worse was, I had to hide it.
Jakes P.O.V
Ever since I first met y/n I had a crush on her, but DK always told me to never have a crush on any of his cousins, which is why It was the biggest secret I ever had to keep. I'm going round hers today to have a day with her and DK, and I'm nervous. I might tell her but then DK would get mad.
I'm nervous for Jake coming round today as y/n always acts different around him, and I'm not sure why. I think they may like each but I'm not sure. I'm going to try to found out today.
Jake had been round an hour already and I'm so happy to be in his company. We have just finished a game of monopoly. I've loved this game ever since we where young.I won most of the time but Jake won this time, and I couldn't get mad at him for it. We have gotten through some of the games but we wanted to do a game that didn't include a board.
Y/N was asking for suggestions for a game to play. I suggested truth or dare. It was time to find out if what I suspected was true.
We all decided to play truth or dare and I was kind of nervous because of my crush on Jake. I didn't want it being revealed!
Jake-Who wants to go first ?
Y/N- I'll go first
Jake- Truth or dare?
Y/N- Truth
DK- Do you have a crush on anyone ?
Y/N- Urmmmm yeah.
DK- Who is it?
Y/N- Urm it doesn't matter.
We then carried on playing the game. Every one shared things they never thought they would, but the one thing that interested me the most was that Jake said he had a crush and I wondered who. I doubted it would be me, as I had a crush on him, and I'm never lucky!
I found out that they both had crushes on someone but I still didn't know if  what I suspected was true, until Jake told y/n to go outside as he wanted to speak to her.
Jake-Y/N can you please come outside with me. DK  stay here.
DK-Urmm okay
Y/N- Let me just grab a hoodie and I'll be out.
I was really nervous to go outside with Jake. I didn't understand why but I felt really awkward around him all of a sudden. I grabbed a hoodie then walked outside nervously. I wasn't sure what to expect.
Jake and you walked around the corner of the house to where DK couldn't see you, so you both could talk in private, without him interrupting.
Jake- y/n I'm really nervous about this, but I need you to listen to me. Ever since we first met I fell in love with you, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, how you act distracted when you don't want to speak to someone, your love of adventuring and travelling anywhere in the world, how you love exploring abandoned places, how you always want to play the Ouija board, your love for anything haunted, and how much your like me. You are basically the girl version of me, and to be honest that's what I look for in a girl. I know it's wrong as DK doesn't want us to be together but I can't hold it in any longer, I need to get it out.
Y/N- Omg Jake I don't know what to say. I'm also in love with you and I have been ever since we first met. I also look for someone who is a boy version of me. I love the fact that your always up for haunted and abandoned videos, or up for getting kicked out of Wal-Mart. I know it's wrong too but I feel like DK cannot stop us from being together. I love you and you love me and that's all that matters.
He then kissed me and I kissed back. Sparks went flying and the butterflies were going crazy.
Jake-y/n will you be my girlfriend.
Y/N- yes of course I will. But we're not telling DK yet.
Jake - Okay.
Later that night
It was night time and everyone was in bed. Jake stayed the night. He was staying in the spare bedroom and I could hear him on his phone, still awake. DK was the only one actually asleep. I was lying there trying to get to sleep, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't stop thinking of Jake. In the end I gave up trying to sleep and I just laid there, until I decided on something. It was risky but I decided to do it anyway.
I walked through to the spare bedroom where Jake was staying, I knocked on the door and he let me come in.
Jake- What's up beautiful?
Y/N- I can't sleep.
Jake- Awh I can't either. Sleep with me?
Y/N- What if DK catches us?
Jake- Oh well he'll find out at some point.
Y/N- True,and I mean I wouldn't mind sleeping with the most handsomest boy on this earth.
Jake - Awh. You're beautiful too.
Y/N- Awh thank you. Right I'm gonna try get to sleep. Night baby.
Jake - Night baby.
I cuddled into Jake and I instantly fell alseep. I'm sure he's magical or something, as I felt more relaxed as soon as I was near him.
I was fast asleep, dreaming happy thoughts when I woke up to shouting. I realised Jake wasn't next to me and worked out what was happening. Jake and DK where fighting.
I woke up to wake y/n up and realised she wasn't in her room. I decided to go through to Jakes room. I saw what I suspected. Y/N and Jake where fast asleep together. I instantly got mad.
Jakes P.O.V
I woke up to see DK in the doorway. I knew what was about to happen.
Jake- DK don't wake up y/n.
DK- I won't if you get outside now. Me and you are going to have a little chat.
DK was going mad. He was really cross with me and I didn't really understand why.
I walked outside waiting for him to shout at me.
DK- Jake what do you think your doing. I told you specifically do not date my cousin, but what do you go and do, you ask her to be your girlfriend.
Jake- I'm sorry. It's not my fault. I can't help who I fall in love with. I love her and she loves me. We where made for each other. She is the girl version of me, and that's what I look for in a girl. She's perfect, and I'm sorry but you can't stop me from dating who I want to date.
I decided to go outside. I knew it would get me involved but I didn't want Jake losing to DK without me.
Whilst Jake was talking to me I saw y/n walk outside. She decided to get involved.
DK- What do you want y/n?
Y/N - Don't shout at me I can't help who I fall in love with. I don't get what your problem is. If I want to love Jake I will. He loves me just as much as I love him and that's all that matters, and if you have a problem with that then I don't want to see you anymore.
Jake - Me and y/n will be together no matter what you say, and I agree, if you don't like that I don't want to see you anymore either. Can you not at least be happy for us.
DK - I need to think about this give me an hour and I'll speak to you both again once I've thought.
It didn't exactly go as I wanted it to with DK but but it didn't matter as long as I had Jake.
Jake- y/n I don't care what DK says, you'll always be my girlfriend and I'll always love you.
Y/N- I agree Jake I love you so much and DK isn't going to stop me.
1 hour later
I had been thinking for an hour and decided to talk to them.
DK-So I've thought about it and I've decided. If you two want to be together then I will let you be together and be happy for you both, but Jake if you break her heart, you'll regret it. I'm sorry I shouted but it was just a bit hard for me to accept it, but now I'm going to accept it. Not gonna lie you're actually a really cute couple. Oh and also the picture of you two sleeping is going on instagram !
Jake- Thank you DK. I will never hurt her and you better not put that picture on instagram.
Y/N- Yeah thank you DK.  If you put that picture on instagram you will regret it.
5 years later
Me and Jake eventually told everyone that we where together. The homies first and then eventually the fans.
We now owned an apartment with DK, Mikey, Ademir, Justin and Patrick in San Diego.
I was the happiest I had ever been.

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