Mikey-We're just best friends!

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A/n- This story was inspired and helped by CosplayLover213 . Go and check her story out. It's amazing

Hey I'm y/n. I am a popular youtuber that everyone knows. I have 2 million subscribers. I am also friends with most of the other youtubers,such as Patrick Minor, and Tyler Chaffin, but I am closest to my best friend Justin Slater. He is the greatest friend I could ask for! We have been friends for 3 years and he said he would eventually introduce me to his friends, Mikey Manfs, and Jake Dufner.They are also youtubers.I have watched a few of their videos and they seem like amazing people. He still hasn't but I know one day he will. He said to me 2 years into our friendship we should move in together and have a YouTuber pad, where some of our YouTube friends,and maybe others, can live together. Now, we have been friends 3 years and we are finally we are moving in together, in just a few days and I'm so excited!
This is our house in the Hollywood hills

 Now, we have been friends 3 years and we are finally we are moving in together, in just a few days and I'm so excited!This is our house in the Hollywood hills

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Patrick and Tyler are also going to be moving in with us. I dont mind because we are all close, but they always wind me up by saying I like Justin, when we are only friends.
We decided to host a housewarming party with some of my friends and his friends so I can finally meet all his friends he's been telling me about.
1 week later
Me, Justin, Tyler and Patrick are all moved in. All of the furniture and our stuff is in the house and the house warming party is tomorrow. Our family and friends are joining.
The next day
All 4 of us set up everything from food and drinks to seats and the first guests have started to arrive. It's an hour later and all the guests are here. I spoke to Mikey and Jake, and I instantly knew we would become good friends. I got both of their numbers so we could catch up more often. I spent the rest of the night with all of my new friends, and catching up with everyone. I then decided to go over to Justin to ask him if he thought we did a good job. As I got over there, I asked him and he said yes. He also said mikey was going to crash in one of the spare bedrooms tonight, which I didn't mind.
Later that night
Everyone has now gone home. Me, Justin, Mikey, Patrick, and Tyler were sitting on the couch talking and watching telly when Justin asked to talk to me privately.
Justin- So y/n what do you think of all my friends
Y/N- They're all so nice
Justin- I'm glad you got to know them and be friends with them, but I saw you got pretty close with Mikey
Y/n- He seems like a nice person
3 weeks later
Recently you had been hanging out with mikey and Jake a lot, but mainly mikey. You secretly had a crush on him and only Justin knew. You decided to take a day of hanging with mikey and Jake and to hang out with Justin, Tyler and Patrick for the day.
Patrick-y/n do you like mikey as it seems like it?
Tyler- we've noticed you hanging out with him a lot recently
Y/n- That's because we have become friends, and that's all we are, just best friends.
Justin- Why don't you just tell them
Y/n- Ok fine yes I do like him
You thought by telling them they wouldn't want to know you anymore, but they still wanted to know you, they wanted you to be with him
The next day
You were hanging out with Patrick, Tyler and Justin, when you saw Mikey walking up to you
Patrick- Go and get him y/n.
You walked up to mikey
Y/n- Hey what you doing here
Mikey- I came to see you guys,but mainly you. I also wanted exercise so I walked round here. I need to tell you something. Come with me.
He took you round the corner to a private little place with benches and bushes. Hardly anybody was about.
Y/n- So what is it
Mikey- y/n I'm gonna get straight to the point. Basically I like you and I wandered if you would like to be my girlfriend
Y/n- You honestly don't understand how badly I wanted to hear that of you. Of course I will be.
Mikey- Wait you like me to ?
Y/n- Yep
You then kissed.
Mikey- Shall we get back to the boys?
Y/n- Of course
You walked up to Patrick, Tyler and Justin holding hands. They all wolf whistled and said how happy they where for you. You could tell mikey and you would be together for a long time.
You, Mikey, Tyler,Patrick and Justin decided to head home. Justin and Patrick sat in the front. Mikey, you and Tyler sat in the back. You rested your head on Mike's head and fell asleep. You truly loved him. You then woke up to the boys all whole whistling and saying how cute you and Mikey where. You got back to Yours, Tyler's , Patrick and Justin's apartment and you and Mikey cuddled up together and fell asleep with each other on the couch.
5 year later
Mikey and you where now married with two children, a boy and girl. You all still lived in the youtuber pad. You where happy to be living this life with your 5 favourite boys and your favourite little girl.

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