Tyler-I miss you

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You and Tyler had been dating for 10 months. Because of this you knew Mikey and all of his friends such as, Jake, Gavin, Ademir, Ryan, and more. Recently as mikey, Jake and Gavin moved to L.A, and you were still in new jersey, Tyler decided he was going to visit them. Tomorrow was the day he was leaving. You would miss him so much but he'd only be gone a week. Brandon was also going. You spent the whole day together before his flight day.
The next morning
You, Tyler and mama manfs woke up early,  to pick Brandon up and get to the airport.
1 hour later
You had just arrived at the airport. This was going to be hard. First you gave Brandon a hug.
Y/n - Bye Brandon have an amazing time. I hope the flight goes ok. Look after Tyler for me please.
Brandon- Thank you. Bye y/n. I will look after Tyler as best as I can.
Then came the hard part. You had to say bye to Tyler.
Y/n- Bye baby. I will miss you so much. Text me when you arrive. I hope you have an amazing time and the flight goes ok. I love you.
Tyler- Thank you baby. I will miss you more. I'll try and remember to text you when I arrive. I will text you every day. I love you so much more.
You pulled each other into the tightest hug. You kissed him passionately. You started crying. He pulled you back into the tightest hug. The plane then got called. You said goodbye, watched the plane leave,and then went home.

For that week you got texts from Tyler everyday,and face time calls everyday. You missed him so much and couldn't wait for him to come home. You still went out everyday though even if he wasn't with you.

1 week later
Today was the day. Tyler was coming home.
You and mama manfs arrived at the airport. You waited for the plane to arrive. You couldn't wait to see him.
Finally the plane arrived. It would only be Tyler getting of the plane as Brandon decided to stay in LA.
You were waiting for half an hour as he had to go through security, baggage claims,and millions of people.
Then you saw him. He was so close to you and you felt so happy. He dropped his bags and you ran up to him, mama manfs following. You jumped into his arms. He gave you the tightest hug and a long passionate kiss.  God you missed this.
Tyler- Hey baby I missed you so flippin much I'm so happy your back.
Y/n - I missed you more. I'm so happy to finally see you again. You then shared another kiss. He then caught up with mama manfs.
You then went home and,as it was late, went to bed. You chucked one of his hoodies on and some shorts, then climbed into bed. You wrapped your arms around Tyler, kissed him,then you both fell asleep. You missed this so much.
The next day you and Tyler decided to hang out and spend the whole day together. He made up for what he had missed the whole week.
You were so lucky to have him

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