No.49 - @Malfoy_L_Draco

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@Malfoy_L_Draco - Crookshanks is on my side of the bed! How is this even fair? *_*

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@Malfoy_L_Draco - Crookshanks is on my side of the bed! How is this even fair? *_*

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29K Likes | 4 comments

@TheBoyWhoLived : You're just jealous that he gets more attention than you!! ;)
@Malfoy_L_Draco : No! I'm just cross that he, a cat who can sleep all day anyway, gets more sleep than me during the night!
@BlaiseIsOnFire : I know you feel left out mate, but just get over it! It's a cat for goodness sake!
@Malfoy_L_Draco : *growls at Blaise*
@WeasleyYourKing : I know why you don't like Crookshanks! You're a dog, because you growl, and cats and dogs don't normally like each other! ;)

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