Chapter 7- Lessons

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After breakfast, Cornelia took Cornelius and Clova to Maurice's teaching spot where he taught all of the ape children, it was like a school. He taught them their rules, Caesar's rules to create a civilised, equal ape economy, he taught them sign language as well as spelling and letters. Clova loved Maurice and thought he was very fun and fluffy. Maurice then spotted Cornelia hand in hand with Clova and Cornelius.

"Good morning, Cornelia.", he greeted. Cornelia walked her children to their places by the other apes.

"Good morning, Maurice. How are you?", she asked. Maurice smiled and replied.

"Good. How's Clova?", he asked gesturing to her. Cornelia smiled at Maurice, she was happy that he cared for Clova's well being.

"She's fine.", she replied. "She is learning how to walk.", she added.

She waddled over and sat down by her closest friend, Blossom. Blossom was a year old, the same age as Clova and Cornelius, she too was an evolved ape and had beautiful light green orbs and dark brown fur. Clova had first met Blossom on her first day at school.


Clova sat at the back with Cornelius not engaging with the other apes. Blossom spotted the strange being and went to meet her, she didn't hesitate to befriend her. She jumped excitedly around Clova, taking interest in the small human.

"My name is Blossom", she introduced. Clova just looked at her hands in wonder as she formed signs. Cornelius spoke for Clova, since she's unable to speak sign language, after all, apes were smarter than humans.

"She can't speak sign yet.", he said.

Blossom 'oh'ed. Realization dawned on her face, she plopped down beside her and started to draw in the dirt. Clova and Cornelius watched as she grabbed a thin stick and drew a misshapen fish and tree. Cornelius clapped in joy, wanting to doodle as well, so he too grabbed a stick and joined Blossom. Clova just watched but soon wanted to participate and stuck her hands into the dirt, dragging them over the dirt. She laughed as she doodled, too much fun she lost her balance and fell on her back and still laughed all the way. Cornelius and Blossom laughed as well at Clova's silliness, Blossom then nudged Cornelius in his arm, who got his attention.

"I like your sister.", she said.

Cornelius smiled and looked over at Clova. No one had referred to Clova as his sister before and guess what, he liked it. She rolled around in the mud, dirt smudged all over her face and clothes, his smile widened. He looked back at Blossom with the brightest grin he ever had.

"Yeah, she's my sister.", he boasted proudly.

When their class was over, Cornelius and Clova were taken home by Cornelia. Hours later, Caesar returned home with Blue Eyes, Rocket and Koba from hunting, when Blue Eyes and Caesar appeared in the door way, Cornelius ran over and jumped on them and squeezed them in a tight hug. When their hug ended, they watched as Clova climbed down from Cornelia's arms and waddled over towards them. Both Caesar and Blue Eyes smiled as she made her way over to them, her arms spread wide open ready to embrace them.

Caesar stepped forward and picked her up, she wrapped he tiny hands around his neck and gave him a hug, Blue Eyes rubbed her head. Cornelia then walked over to her beloved husband and eldest son, she and Caesar gently bumped heads and Blue Eyes being a typical mama's boy didn't hesitate to give her a hug. Cornelius suddenly started shrieking excitedly when he remembered what happened at school.

"Father, Blossom called Clova my sister!", he said happily.

"Really?", Blue Eyes signed. "Well I guess that makes her my sister too." , he smiled as he patted Clova's head. Cornelius was still giddy and jumpy, he then tugged on Cornelia's arm.

"Does that mean Clova is your daughter too?", he signed. Cornelia nodded. He then turned to Caesar, who still carried Clova on his shoulder and tugged his arm.

"Is Clova your daughter?", he signed, he expected the same answer. Caesar smiled.


(Back to present)

As Maurice taught the children basic sign, Clova fiddled with her fingers, Blossom also tried to teach her but had no luck. She tried to make shapes and letters as she observed Maurice's actions. By now, she only knew a few words in sign such as: why, home, flower and play that Cornelius helped her with.

She watched as Maurice took a flat stone and chalk and began writing letters, once he wrote down all the letters in the alphabet, he lined them along the ground and assigned the children.

"Children, see if you can make words using the stones.", he signed.

They all gathered as they tried to form words using the letters Maurice provided for them. While they were busy, Maurice dragged himself over to Clova and sat next to her, he grabbed a stick and used it to write on the ground. Clova watched in curiosity to see what it will spell, when he finished, he looked back at her and smiled. Written on the ground were the letters: 'C-L-O-V-A'.

She cooed in excitement being able to recognise her name and clapped her hands happily. Clova spread her arms out and hugged Maurice, she couldn't fully wrap her arms around him as he was too big. Maurice returned her gesture and used one arm to gently pat her back.

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