Chapter 21- Reuniting

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Later that evening, Cornelia suddenly came down with a fever and stayed at home to be watched by the obas. Caesar was still out and was unaware of the news so Clova was having dinner with Cornelius, Blossom and Calla, Blossom's mother. Throughout that time, she didn't even touch her food. Blue Eyes was out, it was his night for patrol when Caesar wasn't around as prince of the Ape Family. Calla noticed Clova quiet behaviour and frowned, it wasn't like her to be so glum.

"What's wrong? You're not eating.", she questioned. Clova just shook her head. 

"I'm not hungry.", she simply answered.


The sun had set and all the apes returned to their homes. Calla took Cornelius to her house for the night as Cornelia was unwell and the two were close friends, Calla would do almost anything for Cornelia. 

"Get well soon, Cornelia.", she signed sincerely. She took Cornelius' hand and led him out with Blossom. "Good night, mother.", Cornelius' signed before he left, Cornelia responded with a soft smile, she was too weak to move her arms and Clova watched over her.

Clova sat by the open window and stared into nothingness. Her stomach churned with guilt and regret.

"Why can't I have better control over my actions?", she signed to herself in frustration. She then slumped beside Cornelia and turned her head to see Cornelia lying down, her head twisted to the side and Clova assumed her to be asleep.

"What's wrong, Clova?"

Clova turned, startled and sighed in response. "I got mad and was disrespectful to father. I didn't respect his authority and questioned his trust for me.", her eyes swelled up with tears.

"Now he's mad at me.", she couldn't hold it in anymore and Clova broke out into cries, scared Caesar wouldn't forgive her. Cornelia rubbed her back and grunted negatively. Her voice was sore and raspy.

"Caesar would never be angry at you.", she signed truthfully, her hands trembled with every word. Clova wiped her nose and sniffled.

"How do you know? I was the mean one.", she replied sadly. Cornelia looked to the side and smiled.

"Ask him."

Clova followed Cornelia's gaze. Standing at the door was Caesar, he put down the spear and sacks full of battle weapons he held to the side. Clova ran and tackled him in a surprise hug, she gripped him tightly as she nuzzled her head into his fur, he felt his fur slightly damp with her tears but paid no attention to it as he returned the hug.

Clova soon released Caesar from his grip and looked down to the floor, she was ashamed to look him in the eye after her disrespectful outburst earlier.

"I'm so sorry, father. I didn't mean what meant about you not trusting me." , she wiped her nose and took a few breaths.

"I hope you're not mad at me."

Her cheeks were stained with tear drops and her lip quivered as she tried her hardest to stop crying. He rubbed her shoulder soothingly and gave her another hug. Clova sniffled and cried more in her father's warm embrace. Caesar cradled her like a small child, Clova hasn't cried since she was a young child and remembered Clova's first accident.


Hours after Maurice's teaching session, Clova was playing with her dear, younger brother and Blossom by the main entrance. Luca was on the morning shift and took that as an opportunity to keep watch on the young children. 

They played tag and the active four year old chased the two small apes around in circles unaware however of the small puddle that lay in front of her. Clova slipped into the puddle and landed with a soft thud on her side, Her sudden wails of pain echoed across the area as she held her knee to her chest. Luca heard her cries and rushed over to Clova who was being comforted by her her best friend and brother.

"What happened?", Luca asked. Cornelius answered as Blossom supported Clova.

"She slipped and fell while we were playing."

Luca placed his spear in the strap on his back and bent down, he carefully lifted Clova from her fetal position and carried her home, followed by Cornelius and Blossom. When he arrived at the royal household, he looked into the room where Caesar and Cornelia sat on the bed. They exchanged alarmed faces as they saw Clova whimpering in Luca's arms.

"What happened?", Cornelia signed worriedly as she gently took  Clova from Luca. 

"Cornelius and Blossom said she slipped and grazed her knee when they were playing.", he explained.

Caesar patted his generous friend on the shoulder in thanks.

"Thank you, Luca."

Luca nodded and gently brushed Clova's head before he left, as he walked passed, a concerned Cornelius and Blossom stood at the door way and frowned.

"Is she okay?", signed Blossom.

Caesar looked at Clova who whimpered in Cornelia's arms as she clutched her knee that throbbed erratically. Her gaze met his, her eyes flicked with discomfort and pain as she let more tears roll down her face. They placed her on the bed and examined her knee, it was pink, the now caked mud she slipped on stuck to her wound oozed blood. 

Cornelia came back into the bedroom with a damp rag and handed it to Caesar, he gently dabbed it onto Clova's open cut. As soon as the rag touched her skin, Clova wailed aloud. Her wound stung and burned at the contact of the rag and recklessly tried to shrug away. More pressure was added to her wound and she cried more, Caesar winced slightly at her cries, it broke his heart. He listened as she continuously coughed out her cries, snot nosed and bloodshot eyes as her throat became sore and raspy from the amount of crying and gripped her mother's hand for dear life.

Ten minutes later, Clova's wound was cleaned and bandaged. Caesar cradled her in attempt to calm her down as she sniffled out her last few tears. She looked up at him and stretched her arms out, Caesar smiled. Clova was always a huger and lovingly squeezed her back just as hard.

(Back to present)

Caesar laid down beside his wife and supported Clova in his lap. She rested her head on his thigh as she slept. He smiled and looked back at his wife and caressed her head, Cornelia wheezed hoarsely and her chest rose and fell slowly. Blue Eyes was just as worried when he came home and heard his mother's state and insisted on staying home to which Caesar refused. He would keep watch over Cornelia until she hopefully got better.

Clova  *COMPLETE*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang