Chapter 11- Awake and Well

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Caesar felt movement in his arms, then followed by a sudden sneeze which alerted him fully awake. He looked down at Clova, stunned to see her eyes flickered open as she scratched her nose tiredly, when she fully gained her vision, she turned her head to look at Caesar who smiled at her in relief. She cooed and raised her arms up to him wanting to be lifted. In return, he picked her up and hugged her to his chest.

Later, the whole Ape Village rejoiced that Clova was recovering. Their food table was loaded with fruits, nuts, vegetables, fish and meat, most of it being Clova's favourite meals. Many ape children gathered around Clova at their ape school, happy that she was alright, Cornelius and Blossom especially. Koba wasn't moved by the good news, he couldn't care less, he just ate his breakfast like any other normal day and when his friends, Grey and Stone spoke to him about Clova he just shrugged and grunted carelessly.

When their breakfast was over, the apes went on with their daily activity, Koba was about to mount his horse but stopped when he heard gurgling, he reluctantly turned around and saw Clova waddle towards him, her arms open wide. He looked at her, disgust in his eyes when she smiled cheerfully at him. As she got closer to him, he took a few steps back not wanting any sort of contact with the toddler.

Clova however didn't resist and dared to walk closer to him wanting his embrace, when she reached him, she hugged his leg. Her touch caused Koba to jump back, he looked at the child, dazed. She snuggled her head into his fur and looked up at him with a big smile on her chubby little face, Koba frowned at her and she giggled, not taking the mean bonobo seriously.

Koba attempted to push her away but she clung to him harder, refusing to release him from her grip. Koba just stood there and received smirks and amused looks from Grey and Stone, he looked and glared at them, he gave Clova the same snarled look and she giggled. He was confused, wasn't she afraid of him before?

"She likes you.", a voice said.

Koba turned his head and saw Caesar walk to him. He took the child into his arms and Koba grunted in disgust, finally relieved from the child's possessive hold. He looked at Clova and narrowed his eyes, he turned his attention back to Caesar with a snarl.

"I don't want her near me.", he snarled in sign before he rode off into the woods.

Caesar rolled his eyes as Koba's pretend disease to Clova, he knew the suffering he endured at the hands of humans but needed to understand that not all humans are evil. That's one lesson Caesar knew Koba would never learn. He walked back inside with Clova on his back, Caesar placed her down as he peeked into their chambers, Cornelia and Cornelius were asleep as it were their daily nap. Blue Eyes who heard the arrival of his father and sister entered the room.

"Have errands to do, watch your sister.", Caesar signed to his eldest and trustworthy son.

It wasn't the first time Blue Eyes had responsibility over his sister, he didn't mind and enjoyed her company. Blue Eyes nodded in response as he took Clova's hand, he watched Caesar grab a long, pointed carved stick on his way out of the door.

"Probably another elk hunt.", he guessed.

Clova  *COMPLETE*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें