Chapter 27- Not All Apes Are Bad

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Blue Eyes sat back down in his seat and Clova looked up at him more sad and offended than before. She tapped his shoulder and frowned.

"I thought you liked humans. I am a human, do you not like me anymore?"

Blue Eyes turned to her and rubbed her head soothingly. "You are my sister.", he signed comfortingly. "You are ape."

Clova sniffled slightly and looked at the ground. "I am still human."

"Not all humans are bad. You for sure are the good human.", his face turned serious and his baby blue eyes dimmed darker. "It's the bad humans I am trying to protect you from, to protect all of us from."

"Like the mean one who shot Ash?", she asked. Blue Eyes nodded.

"Just like him."

Clova was relieved and leaned over to give her brother a great big hug in which he willingly returned. He noticed her yawn and forced her eyelids open.

"Come on, time for bed."

Hours passed, the apes were all in their huts asleep, Clova slept on Blue Eyes' arm across the room, using his fur as a short blanket. She stirred slightly as she heard her mother's strained breath became more struggled, she sat up concerned but relaxed when she saw Cornelia asleep on her back with Cornelius resting on her chest. As she admired the sight, faint footsteps approached the doorway and she laid back on Blue Eyes, faking sleep.

Clova opened one eyelid and saw Caesar enter the room and lie beside his sick wife. Cornelia twitched at Caesar's presence and turned her head to see him more clearly. He had a worried look on his face and caressed her cheek soothingly.

 "You sound worse, you okay?", he asked, gently rubbing his younger son's head. Cornelia's fingers trembled as she brought them up to sign.

"Just need rest. Clova's been looking after me.", she reassured.

"I've heard.", he replied, he smiled faintly. Clova grinned widely at Cornelia's comment, she was glad knowing she was appreciated. 

"You worry about the humans.", Cornelia guessed. She knew her husband too well. Caesar nodded slowly and Cornelia smiled. With a quivering hand, she brought it up to her husband's head and brushed hers against his lovingly. 


Further away in the woods, the small group sat around the camp fire for warmth. They sat in complete silence.

"I can't believe they took our guns.", one complained, breaking the silence. A slightly older dark skinned guy scoffed at his comment, not that surprised.

"You know the funny thing about 'em?", he asked, receiving curious looks from everyone. "They don't need power, light, heat, nothing."

Some nodded, agreeing to his point. "That's what makes them stronger." The grim man who sat at the corner of the fire scoffed at his words and drank his beer. Two people exit a tent, a man and young woman, sat beside a young boy who sketched away in his book the apes returned yesterday, completely oblivious to the group's conversation.

"Hey pal.", the man greeted and rubbed his shoulders. He peeped into his book and saw his son recreating the scene of the Ape King's yell the other day. The image of Caesar standing on his rock with the captions 'go!' escaping his mouth to the humans.

He was distracted when another spoke up. "That little girl.", he started, getting everyone's attention. "Any reason to why she's with them?", No one knew the answer.

The mean man in the corner gave his opinion. "Maybe she's dinner.", he stated, lighting a cigarette. The young woman looked at him sternly and was about to open her mouth but controlled herself. His stupid statement didn't deserve her reply.

The reasonable leader disagreed. "That girl looked comfortable around them.", he said. "Too comfortable, like she knew them."

The young boy spoke up. "Maybe, their friends?" Everyone looked at him, some agreed.

"It's possible."

Malcolm was confused, what was a young child doing with these apes and she was okay. The thought stunned him, the girl seemed more afraid of him then the apes.

"What is she doing with them anyway?", he wondered aloud. Carver was more than happy to answer his question.

"Maybe formulating a plan?", he added. Everyone looked at him and eyed him, Carver took a big puff of his cigarette."What? I mean they could be taking their time, they killed off half the planet already.", he said coldly.

The woman sat opposite him had enough. "Come on." Carver dusted off the ashes from his cigar and eyed her.

"You can't seriously blame the apes?", she asked him. He gave her a spitting look, dumbfounded by her question and lowered his cigarette.

"Who the hell else am I gonna blame?", he raised his voice, becoming slightly agitated. "It was the simian flu!", he argued.

"The apes had no say in the matter, it's not their fault.", Carver heard enough of her excuses.

"Spare me the bullshit.", The woman looked down, wanting to avoid his gaze. "You telling me you don't get sick just looking at 'em, huh?", she didn't answer.

"Didn't you have a little girl?", the woman snapped her head at him, her mouth agape and dry. How dare he. Malcolm spoke on her behalf, knowing trouble was escalating quickly.

"Carver, that's enough.", he told him, but Carver went on.

"How she die?", she couldn't form any words and tears formed on the brim of her eyelids.

"That's enough!"

Carver looked to Malcolm. "Or how about your wife for that matter?", Carver was silenced when he was threatened by the tall, dark man beside him, who got fed up with his taunts.

"Carver you better shut up before I kick your ass.", Carver shuffled and eyed all his members.

"Okay, I'm the ass hole.", he threw the remains of his cigarette into the fire and stormed off, leaving the grieving woman and her teammates to reflect on his words.

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