Chapter 33- Evil Intentions

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Today was it. Today the humans were going to restore the lights to San Francisco. Clova assisted them, it was probably going to be the last time she would see them. As she mounted Caesar's horse, she could see Koba rounding up a small group of apes before disappearing into the woods.

'Ugh, what could he be doing?', she thought, surprised at the fact Blue Eyes wasn't with him.

Speaking of Clova ignored him the whole morning, she didn't want to know or have anything to do with what he and Koba were discussing last night. She snapped out of her memory when the horse gave a stifled whiny as Caesar got on the horse and rode off to the human camp.


The men continued to dig in the tunnels, Caesar, his apes and Malcolm worked in the power station that left Ellie, Alex and Clova in the camp. The three had grown really close from the past couple of days and enjoyed each others company. The young girl scanned the area, she saw everyone this that morning except one person.

"Where's the jerk?"

Alexander looked at her, it took a moment before he realised who she was referring to. "Oh, Carver? He's still in the truck." Clova stifled a laugh.

"He's still in there?" The teen nodded.


"Serves him right.", Ellie but in. They both nodded in agreement.

"We are sure going to miss you Clova." she said sweetly. "And the apes, for helping us."

Clova smiled softly. "Me too."

Whilst the three sat together, Foster approached them. "We need ya'll to keep watch outside the tunnel." Ellie sat up and grabbed her rucksack.

"Let's go guys."

As they went off, they had no idea of the evil that lurked within the trees, it's eyes set on one thing.

"Koba why are we here?", one ape asked slightly impatient. Koba responded with a harsh snarl.

"We need to finish the plan!", he continued. The bonobo snapped his head to him and signed angrily.

"For this plan to work, we need Clova!", now all the apes were confused.


Koba's sneer faded into a devilish grin, his jagged teeth hung from his jaw as he chuckled heavily.

"To kill her."

Hours passed and it was beginning to get dark and the dam didn't make any progress and wasn't close to being finished much to their surprise. At this rate, they wouldn't be getting any power to the city.

Alexander sat in the corner and twiddled his flashlight in boredom. "Shouldn't the dam be fixed by now?"

As if on cue, the ground shook tremendously and rumbled. The sound came from above the tunnel towards the dam and sounded like an engine. Without hesitation, the three ran down to camp where they were also approached by an out of breath Foster.

"Foster the dam-", Ellie started.

"I know, I was just about to come tell you guys." Clova looked around the camp, no horses in sight.

"Where's my father?"

"At the gas station with Finny.", he answered. "Where's Malcolm?" The four quickly rushed to the dam in search for Malcolm.

"Malcolm!", Ellie shouted. No answer.


Another flashlight bounced off the walls and a shadow hovered over the ladder. "What? What's wrong, what is it?"


The night sky was pitch black now, the only source of light were the multiple glistening stars and used flashlights. As they trekked the woods, they spotted light in the distance and walked towards it. The intriguing beacon was the aged, rundown convenient store that led to the apes' home. Clova recognised it immediately. When they arrived, Caesar was on his horse outside the store while Finny fixed some circuits inside.

"Father!" , she said happily.

Caesar rode up to her and helped her onto his horse. "The dam is working now. Now they can have electricity", she added excitedly. There was a pleased smile on his face, he found it so sweet how Clova cared deeply for them and how she helped them out the past few days.

Suddenly, feedback deafened the area and everyone blocked their ears and turned towards the station where soon followed after a guitar from the radio. It was a song. Ellie chuckled in surprise, it had been a decade since they heard music, sweet, sweet music. Clova was just as surprised, she had never heard such a melodic tune and couldn't hold back a smile.

Caesar however was weirded and had a bewildered expression on his face as the song continued to play, his face twisted when Foster busted out a dance move as Finny rejoiced loudly inside the shop. He couldn't blame them, he felt happy for them since they got their electricity and power. Malcolm walked up to Caesar and Clova who sat on the dark stallion.

"Thank you, for your help.", Caesar responded with a slight nod. "The power works here but we'll know for sure when we get back to the city.", he explained.

Clova face lit up, she had an idea. She tapped Caesar's shoulder and whispered in his ear whilst Malcolm stood patiently. Caesar smiled, pleased with Clova's idea and looked towards the city then back at Malcolm, he rode his horse up to Malcolm's side and held out his hand.

"Trust.", he said. A warm smile appeared on Malcolm's face as he shook Caesar's hand.


Back at the camp in the driveway, the only source of light being Carver's lighter that he fiddled between his fingers as he took another lungful of smoke from his cigarette. He suddenly paused and stuck his head out the driver's window and listened attentively, he heard faint music and rolled his eyes. He knew they had finished the dam work and punched the wheel in frustration before he inhaled another puff of smoke.

"You son of a bitch!", he spat coldly.

As he unknowingly lit his lighter, he didn't pay attention to the ape shaped silhouette that stood facing him outside the truck. It wasn't until he felt a chill breath on his neck was when he turned towards the window and froze, his hands sprang to the lever but Koba beat him to it and dragged his body out the window.

"Where's Clova?! Humans?!", he demanded. Carver laid on the ground his hands trembled as his only protection.

"I-I don't know! I don't know!", he cried. Well, he was now useless, if he couldn't tell him their location he had no use of him. Koba gave him a wicked grin and raised his arms, his hands clenched into a firm fist.

"No, no plea-", before Carver could protest, the ape slammed his arms down repeatedly beat Carver brutally until he couldn't feel any more movement and subsided cries. It took a number of hits before his bloody hands fell to his side, his fingers wrapped around the lighter unconsciously. Just what Koba was looking for.

Clova  *COMPLETE*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz