Chapter 40-Realisation

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"Ellie, we're back!"

Ellie stood up from Caesar's side and went to the door to greet them but shocked when she saw Blue Eyes. His eyes were frantic as he looked into the hallway.

Clova took his hand and led her older brother into the living room, his eyes began to water when he saw the terrible state Caesar was in. He laid on the couch breathing weakly and smiled at his son's appearance. 

Blue Eyes slowly placed his gun down and walked over to his father, he had never seen him so weak and vulnerable. His eyes were then drawn to the bullet wound on his chest and he turned to the humans his teeth bare, blood boiled and snarled aggressively at them.

Clova held Blue Eyes' shoulder in order to calm him down and shook her head. Caesar reached out for his son and spoke weakly.

"No...not human." Blue Eyes just stared at him confused by what he meant. 

"Then...?", he signed.


A tsunami of guilt washed over Blue Eyes and struck him in the chest like a bullet. All of this time it was Koba, the uncle Blue Eyes admired as his role model and believed every single word he told him, every lie. Steams of tears flowed down his cheek and he turned away from Caesar in shame.

Ellie then timidly came forward and unpacked the medical kit. "Caesar, we have to this now.", she said softly. Caesar once again raised his frail hand out to his son who grasped it and held it firmly. He did the same to Clova who was already a crying mess as she took his hand in return as the surgery took place.

(A few hours later)

Outside, Alexander sat on the porch and sketched an image of Caesar and Clova. The picture had Clova kneeling down picking flowers whilst being held firmly in Caesar's embrace. The outline was decorated in similar flowers to what Clova held in the picture. He paused and admired his picture but was brought from his thought when he heard footsteps.

"How is he?"

Ellie had small traces of blood across her arms and hands. her clothes were rumpled and also stained with blood. She sighed in exhaustion as she sat beside her step-son and smiled at him sweetly. 

"He'll be fine.", she stated. "He's very strong."

Back inside laid a sleeping Caesar and beside him still were Blue Eyes and Clova. The young ape still held his father's hand firmly while watching Clova who passed out in his lap. Blue Eyes was occupied with the old photograph Alexander gave him, he studied it for the past hour watching the happy expression on his father's face as he interacted with the human. 

It was then clear to him why Caesar's actions were reasonable. It wasn't because of fear or reluctance it was because he really did see the good in humans, the reason why he was so compassionate and understanding towards in the way he never was. Not because he didn't understand them but because he didn't want to understand them.

Abruptly, he was pulled out from his deep thoughts and shook as Caesar unexpectedly stood up, disturbing a sleeping Clova. He placed the image down and faced his father, his eyes were laced with sorrow.

"I'm so sorry.", he signed honestly. "For everything."

"It was not your fault, I'm the only one to blame.", Blue Eyes shook his head confused.

"B-but Koba betrayed you."

"And I made that mistake of trusting him...", Caesar explained. "I only saw the fact that he is an ape and humans are humans, but now...I see how much alike we are." Caesar adjusted his position, his face stern and serious.

"Where Koba now?"

"On the human tower. All apes follow him now.", he signed sadly. 

"And those who don't follow?", 

"Prisoners." His face grew sadder. "Maurice...Rocket...Luca..."

Blue Eyes was now on the brink of tears. "...Koba killed Ash..." Caesar's eyes grew dark and frowned.

"It's fear that make others follow.", he explained. "But...when they see you alive, father...they will all turn away from Koba." Caesar shook his head, it wasn't that easy. 

"Not if I'm weak. Apes always need strong leader." 

Blue Eyes watched Caesar sit up on the couch and grimaced sharply in pain, he quickly set Clova's sleeping body on the ground and gently laid him back down. Blue Eyes observed his father's body, he still needed time to heal; his body temperature was high, the stitches were still fresh and he needed rest, lots and lots of rest.

"Father...", he spoke. "Let me help you."

Unknowingly to them, Clova was awake and she had a sudden and mischievous plan.

Clova  *COMPLETE*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora