Chapter 41- Captured

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Later on that night, Blue Eyes and Caesar formulated a plan to rescue their allies and over throw Koba. Of course Ellie and Malcolm were aware of the plan, everyone was except for Clova and they insisted that she occupied herself in Caesar's former bedroom. The attic.

Luckily for her, the was a mini air vent that supposedly led to the living room as she heard voices echoing through the vents and took the opportunity to listen. After eavesdropping for half an hour, she now knew exactly how, where and when Blue Eyes was going to rescue the others tonight and he had already returned to the city earlier that day to prepare Maurice and the others on their rescue.

She packed her backpack with a bunch of supplies; a flickered torchlight, small bag of nuts, a bottle of water, the pistol Malcolm had given her and a rusty walkie-talkie she found in one of Caesar's old drawers. She wasn't sure if it worked but took it with her nonetheless. Clova planned how the others might notice her disappearance and snuck into the other bedrooms to grab some extra pillows. With Caesar's father being a scientist, he had a few skeleton models lying around the house which Clova covered with a wig. She then formed the pillows to shape a sleeping figure in the bed to impose her while she was gone.

(few hours later)

Clova's drowsy eyelids snapped open when she heard faint movement from outside. She hastily peeped through it and saw Blue Eyes going down the deserted neighbourhood. With her pre-packed backpack slung over her shoulder, Clova skilfully climbed down the tree that leaned against the worn out wall that attached the house together. By the time she got down she followed her older brother into the city.

Blue Eyes however, not aware of Clova's presence and having the advantage of four legs rather then two made quick pace to the city whereas the teenage girl strolled on behind quietly trying her best to keep up. Clova began to panic when Blue Eyes' silhouette faded into the darkness and was now lost. She shoved her arm into her backpack desperate to find the torchlight. Before the switched it on, her body stiffened at the sound of a low growl and she froze on the spot.

Cautiously and hoping for whatever reason for the spine chilling snarl to belong to her brother, Blue Eyes. But unfortunately, she twisted her head in the direction and refused to make eye contact. Her large pupils widened in fear when she did and was soon surrounded by a large number of apes thrusting spears and daggers in her face. 

Clova quickly reached in her bag for the gun only to shriek when she was tackled to the ground. An ape had pounced on her losing her grip on the gun, after being poked a few times she reluctantly stood up and raised her arms in the air as more apes got closer and closer. One of the apes forcefully yanked on her arm causing her to wince in pain. 

"It's Clova, we have to take her to Koba."

As Clova grew worried not that much as she already new where they were going to take her... to Koba. An ape beside Clova who she recognised as Grey stood up in her face and snarled viciously before yanking her arms back to the city to see Koba. Their sick, narrow minded leader. It was now that Clova felt absolutely terrified for her fate in the hands of the human-hating, murderous ape.


(back at the house)

"Will he be better by the time his son returns?", Alexander asked, concerned for their ape friend. Ellie smiled at his concern and reassured him truthfully.

"Yes, he will be much better and he's already made progress." Malcolm now walked into the room taken aback seeing the other couch empty.

"Where's Caesar?"

 Ellie pointed to the second floor. "He's probably wants to be alone for a while.", she advised as Malcolm sat beside her. As silence filled the room, slight creaks came from upstairs indicating Caesar's movement around the house.

The ape wondered around what used to be his home. The bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens were still intact as the house was untouched, he took in all the memories he had in each room. As he closed the door and walked back into the hallway, he noticed the attic door was open and the ladder attached to it was down. 

Caesar smiled slightly to see his old bedroom, from all the toys he used to play with and the climbing frames he used to swing on still untouched only touched by time as they were rusty and covered with dust. He sat on his bed taking everything in, all the emotions being overwhelming and sad as he missed all the times he had with his family.

He looked at the bedside table next to his bed and saw a video camera, he lit up when he saw it had a bit of battery left and pressed play in hopes of seeing a video. 

"Alright Caesar, home.", a voice came from the video. 


The man known as Will on the video sat in front of a small chimpanzee making hand gestures to which he copied yet still a bit unfocused and distracted. Caesar chuckled softly, he remembered how curious and outgoing he was when he was younger.  

"Home.", the man repeated.

The first word he had learnt in sign that had depth and meaning. That unites everyone together and peaceful. Tears strolled down his face as the baby chimp pulled the Will into a loving hug that cut the video when the screen turned blue. He placed the dusty camera back on the bedside and sat there quietly. He turned around when he heard creaking approaching the room.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude.", Malcolm spoke. Caesar just nodded his head and looked down. 

"Um, if you don't mind me asking...", he began and Caesar turned back around to look at him. "Who was that, on the video I mean?"

Caesar's gaze remained on the floor. "He was a good man...", he looked back at Malcolm. "Like you. His name was Will."

Malcolm nodded in understanding. "I wish I got to met him, he does sound like a good man." Caesar smiled at his words but then frowned by a distressed Ellie barging in to the room.

"C-Clova isn't in her room!" The colour in Caesar's face drained and his eyes widened.

"I thought she was sleeping.", Malcolm said. Ellie turned to him and pulled a mannequin head with a blonde wig on.

"This is what I found in her bed! Alexander is checking outside but she's not in the house, she's gone!"

"Mum, dad!", Alexander called. The teen had sprinted up the stairs and leaned on the door as he tried to catch his breath. 

"What is it?"

He replied by revealing a small pink backpack that was now dirty and ripped. 

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