III. Not Hailey

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A week has passed and still no sign of Hailey. Why was she skiving and what made her upset the last time they had spoken? Cara kept asking herself these questions as she secretly prayed for Hailey to show up.

This was a new week.

She looked over to Hailey's seat that has been empty all this while and sighed. Just as she was about bringing out her books, the classroom door opened and Hailey came in.

Cara couldn't look away.

No, she couldn't help but stare. Hailey was all gothic as usual, black all over with a black beanie over her head and there was a bruise on her cheek but what really made Cara speechless was her haggard look and bloodshot eyes.

Her hair wasn't properly combed and she looked like she hadn't slept properly, there were dark circles under her eyes which she tried to conceal with little makeup and the bruise too, if Cara wasn't perceptive enough she would have missed it because of the makeup.

Hailey trudged forward with her bag and sat down beside Cara, then slumped and lay her head on the desk.

Regaining composure,Cara spoke. "What have you done with Hailey?"

"Urggh." Hailey replied,not in the mood to form a coherent sentence, just then the teacher walked into the class and the day dragged on.

Cara's attempt to get an unresponsive Hailey to be responsive all day proved futile.
The bell rang and Hailey quickly dashed out of the class in order to avoid Cara who was already hot on her heels.

"Hailey, wait!" Cara called out and at last caught up with her outside the school, in the park.

"Cara, what do you want?" Hailey asked impatiently, just as Cara opened her mouth to answer,the school's party Jock, Damien, came up to them.

"Hello ladies!" Damien threw a flirtatious smirk their way and continued. "I need a favor from you,I actually made a bet with Mason over there—"

"Isn't Mason in English class with us also?" Cara interrupted.

"Oh! Yes he is. We are all in same class. As I was saying, I made a bet with him that Hailey here would attend my Friday party, Hailey would you—"

"Don't stress yourself man, she won't agree, she doesn't—" Cara chimed in again only to be interrupted  by Hailey.

"I'll be there." Hailey said.

"Yea, she will—say wah?" She looked at Hailey like she was seeing an alien.

"Cara and I will attend." Hailey smiled and took the invite from Damien while she ignored a stunned Cara.

"Cool, it is a pool party, see ya." And with that Damien was off.

"What was that all about?" Cara inquired with a raised brow.

Hailey shrugged. "I just need the distraction." and with that she was walking away.

Hailey turned and asked a bewildered Cara.  "Are you planning to stand there all day?"

 Is this how it would feel like when the apocalypse happens to mankind, would we all be too stunned to speak? Cara thought as she made haste towards Hailey. 


Cara had been trying to talk to Hailey all week but she brushes it aside saying she has had a rough week and that was it, when Cara asked about the bruise she ignores her very existence.

Classes were over for the day and Cara was pacing about in the school's hallway having mixed feelings. She felt anxious,it was Friday today. Hailey might change her mind after all and decide not to go.

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