VI. Hailey

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Hailey woke up with her head throbbing.

She felt as if there was a party hosting upstairs in her head; the banging was terrible and when she opened her eyes light filtered through and she almost cried out in pain.

who had opened the blinds?

"oooh Cara!" she groaned.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead!" Cara let out with a kilowatt smile and even that seem to shoot laser beams at Hailey. She couldn't condone noise, her head was splitting.

"Am gonna die Cara, my head is killing me."

"Sweetheart, don't spout nonsense, when you get to the part where you see your past, present and future flash before your eyes," Cara supported her own words with hands akimbo. "that's when you know you are gonna die for sure."

"Such consolation!"
Hailey rolled her eyes as she sulked.

"Here, take this it will help the headache," She said handing Hailey some pills. "and I also made this coffee for you with the help of Steven of course with no sugar."

"I missed my morning walks." Hailey lamented absented-mindly.

"You are welcome Hailey, it was really no problem at all." Cara said sarcastically.

"Sorry Cara, am not ungrateful. Thank you." Hailey mumbled.

"I never said you were, you pointed out that fact yourself." Cara said with a smirk.

"Don't go all wise on me now, come on, let's eat out. When I finish taking my bath we will leave, am starving."

"Hailey, you can eat whatever you want right here in your own home!"

"No, it is suffocating. I need fresh air and sunlight."

"Ohhh.kay!" Cara drawled while looking at Hailey in a strange way. "But right after coffee, I'll need to go and see my mom asap." Cara said.

Hailey rose from the bed, stood and walked across the room to meet the other girl.

"Cara,you have been the only friend who stayed despite having no reasons to," Hailey held Cara's hands as she continued. "and for that am grateful, thank you for everything."

Cara was touched by Hailey's gratitude and she hugged her suddenly.

"Are we officially friends now?" she mumbled on her shoulder.

"We are friends now Cara and this hug is awkward can you—"

"Oh, sorry about that, I was just so excited." Cara said as she released Hailey from the hug and fidgeted.

"Are you sure you want to be friends with a walking fashion disaster?" She asked.

"Oh Cara, am sorry about that too, but we really need to work on your wardrobe." Cara gave Hailey the stink eye, Hailey raised her hands in surrender.
"Hey, someone has to say it."

Cara picked a pillow and  advanced towards Hailey with eyes narrowed walking steathily towards her. 

Hailey moved back slowly in a playful stance.
"Cara, what are you doing?Let's be civil, no bloodshed..."

"You know that death you were talking about, it will happen NOW..." Cara feigned a deadly glare and gave a war cry as she ran towards Hailey with the pillow swinging carelessly in her hands.

"Uh-oh!... Somebody help meeeee, ahhh!" Hailey screamed as she dashed into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

"You should have seen your face!" Cara said as she doubled over in laughter. "It was comical."

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