XV. Bake Me A Cake

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Three weeks to Christmas and a week to Hailey's birthday, the school's session were rounding off really soon and christmas spirit was in the air.

Hailey's birthday was December 8th. Cara had celebrated hers during Spring before meeting Hailey, hers was May 8th. The same date and year but different month.

Hailey's birthday was the talk of the school where else would Cara have heard it from, because Hailey definitely kept mute about it.

"You weren't planning on telling me. I can't believe you. I just forgave you for the Tessa's escapade you didn't include me in, and now this?"

"I still wonder how you got to know about that and I know Brent definitely didn't tell you."

"What? Brent was in on it too?" Cara shouted into the fields.

Both girls decided to snack out here instead of the cramped cafeteria. Moreover, the scenery here too was nice, lovely green pastures.

"Ooops!" Hailey said as soon as she realised her mistake, she had involuntarily snitched on her partner.

Cara glared at her, then after some time she softened like she had a minute change of heart.

"Hailey dear." Cara said with too much sweetness.

"Uh-oh!" Hailey said, smelling trouble.

"We should celebrate your birthday, it would mean a lot to me, it has always been my dream to plan an event —" she was interrupted.

"I thought your dream was to become a popstar." Hailey sat up straight and looked at Cara puzzled.

"I wasn't finished yet Hailey, you rudely interrupted me," Cara said still maintaining her fake smile but when she put emphasis on the 'rudely' she rolled her eyes. She continued. "it has always been my dream to plan an event and also perform with my guitar in it, don't deny me that Hailey." She finished.

Hailey looked at her mentally calculating how to change the topic.

"How is dad doing?"
Cara glared at her but replied nonetheless as she sat down beside her friend.

"He has been discharged and very strong now, what you did for him really helped him Hailey, you are the best."

"Cara, don't mention, you are like my sister. We are like family already. Phoebe even shared her bacon recipe with me."

"Yeah, I know, still can't believe mother did that. Have begged her to teach me that recipe for years, first she wanted me to come off age first and now she said when am about to get married, why me?" Cara made a frustrated face which made Hailey keel over in laughter.

"She is just pulling your leg, she will teach you soon."

"Did she tell you that?"

"Yes, she did and before you ask when, am not saying when."

"But I want to learn soon." Cara whined.

"We all know as soon as you learn, you'll leave the kitchen for good, you dislike cooking."

Cara made to say something when Hailey stopped her,
"Cara, don't argue with me. Even when I come to your house I do all the cooking."

"That's not true."

Hailey looked at Cara then smiled.

"Okay, tell me, when have you ever prepared a meal in my house before?"
Cara tried to remember, none actually, but she wasn't accepting defeat just yet.

"You have James."

Hailey leaned in closer to Cara and said. "Cara, you are hopeless."

Cara also leaned closer and whispered.  "Hailey,you are helpless, that's why you need my help for the party, I can't be side-tracked easily." Cara finished with a grin.

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