X. Bad Mojo

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The area was almost dark but for few stray beams of light illuminating the place. It was a tented area with deafening silence.
A sharp contrast to the bright,bubbling and shimmering sides of the park.

Both girls slowly walked with caution as they approached one of the tents at the extreme, situated at the darkest end.

"Refresh my memory, why are we here again?" Cara asked Hailey in a whisper.

"Because you pranked me, remember?" She whispered back for fear of disturbing the quiet of the place.

"I thought you forgave me already."

"Aha...you wish!"

"Haileyyy!" Cara grumbled low.

"Okay, okay...Jk, we are here for palm reading, my parents believed in these stuff, I wanted to try one out."

"And you chose this time? This place? That tent?!"

"Yes, she is one of the best or so I was told."

"I don't believe in these stuff."

"I don't either but it's part of the fun tonight, we can't say no."

"I can."

"Argh! Let me rephrase that. You 'won't' say no because it's a dark dreary miles back from where we are coming from."

"Hailey, It's not on the other end of the world, I can still hear the circus songs and all, this place is just like backstage." Cara deadpanned.

"Okay, okay, you are coming because you can't leave your friend alone at this time and I really don't know what am meeting in there." Hailey gushed out in a breath.

"I can Hailey," when she saw Hailey's pleading expression, she sighed and added. "but I won't, just because we are friends, let me rephrase, best friends."she finished with a grin meant to irritate Hailey.

"Why do I bother with you?"

Both girls fell silent as they reached the tent.

"Hailey, this was your idea, you will have to be the sacrificial lamb. Go in first." Cara whispered to her in apprehension.

"Cara, you are not helping at all." Hailey sing-songed also in anxiety.

"Would you two chit-chat till you grow old outside the tent or would you come in now?" A femine voice croaked almost making the girls jump.

They went inside with heads down and walked timidly like students meeting the principal for punishment.
Once inside they raised their heads  looked around the tent, it had a cavernous space inside. Empty.
The air in the tent was murky, with low red lights that gave off an eery feeling and the girls visibly shook.

In the middle of the room, a woman wore rags stitched together to form a cloak, the type the older version of Merlin wore. Her hair was left to fall freely over her face effectively hiding it, she had the typical glowing crystal ball and though she was sitting down, she was all hunched over it.

"Uncertainty is certain but when what is certain becomes uncertain, that is where questions arise and the gods proffer solutions.
What do you seek?"

Both girls sat down and Cara nudged Hailey who then replied. "knowledge about the future."

"The future is a series of intertwined events, just like a play, only the playwright knows its end.
Why disturb your peace with what you are not ready for?"
This time the seer raised her head and turned to Cara, meaning she directed that speech to her.
Cara paled.

"Hailey, let's leave. This place gives me the creep." She whispered to Hailey.

"Hold on Cara, we'll leave here soon." Hailey tried to pacify her though she as well felt uneasy.

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