XII. Fated

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It was weekend and Hailey had caught the morning flight to one of her father's businesses in Paris.

It was necessary to acquaint herself with the Board since she would soon take over the management at least that was what Harry, the company's Vice President said.

Meanwhile, Cara was visiting her dad in the hospital and was praying not to meet her mum there. She had to talk to her dad first before heading home.

She entered the Ward and saw her dad laying down, eyes closed. He didn't lose weight at all but he seemed so out of place in the hospital settings.
The blue hospital gown managed to make him look pale but apart from that he was still the powerful business man who rarely stays without working in his office chair, laptop in front of him. She has had that mental picture of him since she was a kid.

Now looking at her father whom she rarely saw at home, she felt really sad, he looked tired. She sighed out loud without knowing it and that caught the attention of her father.

"Cara?" her father rarely uses pet names for her unlike her mum.

"Dad, you are awake." She stated.

"I wasn't really asleep, I was just thinking."

"Hmm...is mum here?"she asked.

"No, she left since I already have an intern recommended by the doctor taking care of me but she will be here soon."

"That's good to know dad." she said not really knowing how to approach the issue with her dad, when had they grown so apart?

"I know you have questions to ask Cara, but to most of them I don't have the answers myself. I don't know how it all took a drastic turn."

Her father thanksfully initiated the talk first and so she had the courage to ask her questions.

"Why mum? why us?" Cara asked in a hurt tone.

Her father, not able to look his daughter in the eyes turned his face as he explained to her. "Her name is Tessa. She is the daughter of one of my business associate, she was an enlightened woman, beautiful and also manipulative as I later learned. I was drunk and one thing led to the next."

"Why didn't you stop the shenanigans, you repeatedly hurt mom's feelings."

"She blackmailed me not just with the business, I would have given that up in a flash but she included you, your mum, I couldn't bear to lose both of you, my family. I couldn't even tell your mom, I didn't want her in the mess I created." Mr Sullivan said with a pained expression.

"Mum would have understood, she is stronger than you give her credit for. Moreover, what you made her go through is much worse than what Tessa would have done. You are the one who unknowingly hurt her, hurt us in the process." Cara said, embittered.

"I don't want to lose both of you Cara, help me talk to your mom. She'll listen to you. Though am ashamed to say this but she held on for so long because of you, she would listen." Her dad said frantically.

"Dad, I tried. Her mind is made up. You should talk to her yourself. She needs to know the truth, dad. All of it. Can't you see it's the only way out?"

"It's difficult Cara but I promise to fight for my family, for both of you because I love you a lot." Mr Sullivan said with affection.

"I love you too dad and I know mum does too. Deep, deep down." Cara said with a smile.

"Come give me a hug Cara, I couldn't ask for a better daughter."

Cara stood from her seat, went over and hugged her dad who pulled her in tightly. "I missed this, I promise to be there this time around. I really strayed far didn't I?" Her dad chuckled as he released her from the hug.

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