XVII. Party Jitters

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"Here comes the celebrant, the cake is ready!!!"

Hailey found herself in Liliput. She was a giant with a giant cake in front of her and everyone else was so little. Her shoes were so uncomfortable and too high, she wobbled and wobbled, almost getting to the cake, then the straps of her shoes caught and she fell like humpty dumpty straight into the cake.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" everyone was laughing and pointing at her and she was so embarrassed, she looked at the people laughing, and they all became Tasha,still laughing at her, she wished for the earth to swallow her and indeed her request was granted as an earthquake occurred and she fell in screaming.

"Wake up, Hailey." Cara shook her.
She had spent the night with Hailey since the party was the next day. They were sleeping when Hailey suddenly screamed, she still had those nightmares but they were less frequent and  she could sleep well now without the pills.

Hailey suddenly jerked up from her sleep.

"Cara, cancel the party!" She said out of breath.

"No way, it's the D-day and it will hold. Everything will be fine, it's just a nightmare." Cara tried to console her and put her mind at ease.

"It was so real, the earth came for me. Tasha was there, laughing at me."

"Tasha who? She isn't even in the guest list, she won't be there. You need to get your beauty sleep, we have put too much effort into this, it will turn out spectacular." she said still feeling sleepy.

"Okay, I really hope. I trust you Cara."
Cara was uncomfortable with the trust statement, she knew she didn't deserve it but she still managed a smile.

"Sleep well."

**At dawn**

"Wakey, wakey!" Cara called out in a cheery voice.

"Am up already, don't make my ears bleed." Hailey said with mock anger.

"I have something to give you and no, it is not part of my gift to you."
Cara said with a radiant smile and before Hailey could reply she brought out a laptop and clicked on it.
She gave Hailey a CD and when Hailey slot  in the drive she was overwhelmed with gratitude.

The screen showed Mr & Mrs Sullivan wishing her a happy birthday, then the management and staff from her company, then the students of Spring High School with some teachers, Grey and James, Steven and other people whom she doesn't even know —Cara really took this far. Brent was last to speak and he was really sweet, she felt loved.
The video was nice and cute with white bunny ears at the sides of the screen and the background song performed by Cara.

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