XX. The Truth Revealing

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"Hailey, listen. Keeping it from you wasn't my intention but it isn't my secret to tell either, you have to understand, sweetie."

Brent tried explaining but was met with cold silence. Hailey was indifferent to his speech, she couldn't feel, she couldn't speak even when spoken to, she could hear what was being said but tried to understand the words to no avail. It was like she forgot everything and was just on autopilot.

"Cara has cancer. Her Cara is in a coma, she might not make it out alive."

"How could she hide something like that from me?" Hailey asked inaudibly, speaking to no one in particular.

"Babe, she wasn't—" Brent was cut off.

"She was so lively and happy, she can't possibly be dying." Hailey continued softly as her vision blurred with tears. "We were best-friends, she was practically family to me."
Hailey said in a daze as her hands shook, tears ran down her cheeks.
She couldn't bear the thought of Cara dying.

Brent wanting to comfort her stopped the car and took her hands in his but she withdrew her hands and sobbed in it.

"I think it is a bad idea to go to the hospital this way, you need a bath and to change your clothes and you need to control your emotions and be strong for Cara." Brent finished in a frustrated tone. "I'll drive you home."

"No no, I need to see Cara!" She said as she wiped the tears away. "If you won't drive, I'll walk." She said as she unbuckled her seat belt and stepped out of the car.

She walked. Her pace was fast as she mumbled things about getting to Cara on time. Brent having caught up to her tried to placate her but she resisted his attempt to pacify her as she was in a state of frenzy, she broke down on her knees as Brent stooped down to hold her allowing her to sob.

"Hailey, it's okay, I'll take you there." Brent said after some time not wanting her to walk the distance or in the dark either, he led her to the car and helped her inside, she didn't resist,vher strength was gone.

The ride was filled with silence and occasional hiccups from Hailey. Brent had a tormented look in his eyes.

There was nothing he could do for her, seeing Hailey's reaction made him question if Cara hiding this from her had been for the best or not. It seems timing was also a major factor they should have considered, it wasn't like they had an idea Cara's health would deteriorate but the question was, was there a blame to be apportioned and if there was then to whom?


They got to the hospital and Hailey was immediately embraced by Phoebe whose eyes was swollen from the tears she had cried, both ladies couldn't stop crying. After sometime Phoebe released Hailey from the hug and wiped her tears, then smiled as she wiped the tears from Hailey's eyes too.

"We have to be strong for her." Cara's dad said and Phoebe nodded in agreement.

Brent saw Grey walking towards them and hurried to meet him. "What is happening?"

Hailey and the family drew close as soon as they spotted Grey.

Grey wore a distraught look, he looked tired and wasn't wearing the impeccable look he was associated with.

"She is still in coma but would need surgery immediately she awakes, this is such short notice but now that we all know about her predicament, we all need to go for a test to know if any of us could be a matching donor." he finished.

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