Ship 1 (Dramione)

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Me: Okayy... let me explain the rules.

Me: I will draw a piece of paper from this box. *shakes box* It is a cardboard box with a lot of ships inside, each written on a slip of paper. Whatever ship I get out, you guys (and me, technically) will react to it. All clear?

Everyone: Yas!

Me: *puts hand in box and takes out a slip of paper* It's...oh my gosh! DRAMIONE! I seriously ship it!

Ron,Harry, and Ginny: WHAT?!

Ron: SINK! Hermione's mine!

Harry: Hermione's too good for Malfoy! What the heck? SINK!

Ginnny: Sink. Just sink.

Me: *smirking* What say you, Hermione and Draco?

Draco: *face turns into three shades of red* Umm... I actually like Hermione, so...

Harry, Ron, Ginny: WHAT?!

Me: *laughing* Yes people JK Rowling said that was why Draco was mean towards Hermione! He couldn't express it because of family beliefs!

Everyone except for me: Who's JK Rowling?

Me: Never mind. Hermione?

Hermione: *face turns red* Uhh... I like Ron but I have to admit, I do kind of like Draco..

Ron: OK WHAT?!

Neville: Er...ship, I guess? *sees Harry and Ron's face* Hey, they sort of like each other, it's not my fault!

Luna: *calmly* They look cute together. Ship!

Me: YAS Luna said she Ships it I'm so happy!

Snape: *clears throat* A Slytherin and a Gryffindor together...I resent it. (Suddenly remembers him and Lily) But...I cannot do anything, ship!


Draco: *deeply embarrassed*

Me: *not listening at all* Dramione, Dramione, Dramione...Dra-my-oh-nee! Dra-my-oh-nee!

Hermione: *hides face in hands*

Ginny: *very loudly* Well, that looks like the end of this reaction. See you guys! *whispers* Can someone help me get the host to a doctor or something?

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this one, Dramione shippers or not! By the way, I'm not actually drawing lots from any kind of container, that was just to make the story more interesting :) The ships are in the order of my preferences, mainly. I will try to add a ship when I hear about it! :D

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