Broppy Part 11

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"Ohh Branch I freaking love u, u may be an ass but ur just doing these to protect me I know that u will be a great father to are twins" said Poppy not letting Branch go. Branch hugs her tight not letting her go also "And I know you'll will be a great mother to are twins and I hope they are boys so they can look like u" said Branch holding Poppy's hands "No I want are twins to be girls so they can look like u" said Poppy pushing Branch on the couch and gets on top of him making Branch blushed "What's wrong Branch u can't handle my freak ness" said Poppy teasing Branch making him mad "I love it when u get mad" said Poppy teasing Branch making him jealous "I'm not mad I'm just carious of what are u goin to do to me since ur on top of me" said Branch waiting on what will Poppy say. Poppy starts to kiss him then she starts doin the tongue kiss, Branch starts to put his hands around her waist then he goes down between Poppy's legs "OUCH!!Branch that really hurt!" said Poppy jumping off of Branch. "U know that my legs still hurt I still have the bruises and cuts on my legs" said Poppy looking down about to cry. Branch gets up and try's not to make Poppy cry "I didn't know that it still hurt u, I though the pain went away since the nurse healed ur wounds and I though u wanted to have sex" said Branch trying to apologize "I just wanted to make out with u Branch I didn't want to have sex while my wounds still hurt" said Poppy walking away crying and leaves with out telling Branch were she's goin Branch doesn't chase her cuss he knows that he should of have known that Poppy was raped by Creek and he should have know that Poppy can't have sex until she's healed. Poppy walks to the elders so she can talk to the elder troll the one who predicted all her ancestors Prophecies and Futures. She walks in and and says "Hello?...Lady Moth is u in here I want to talk to u I want to know about my future as a Queen and I want to know my Children's future since I'm expecting twins and I'm worried about there future and choices there goin to make" said Poppy shaking and scared of what will Lady Moth say about her future and for her unborn twins "Princes Poppy it's been a long time I haven't seen u ever since u were a baby I predicted ur future I told ur father that u will bring happiness and that u will be the one to stop the Bergens to eat us and bring them happiness and why do u want to know ur future and ur twins future?" said Lady Moth drinking her coffee while she is listening to Poppy. "I'm scared that I'm goin to be a horrible queen and I'm scared about my children's future" said Poppy trying not to cry while she is talking to Lady Moth "Ohh ur not a horrible queen ur a image of ur mother the one who took her life to save ur life from the Bergens I know u will be fine trust me" said Lady Moth drying out Poppy's tears and gives Poppy a smile. "And about ur twins future...I'm goin to have to do some candle lights so I can know ur twins future" said Lady Moth going to her bedroom and getting some candle lights she starts to put some candle lights around Poppy she puts her hand on Poppy belly. Her eyes turn white and it made Poppy scared of what Lady Moth is seeing. She takes her hand off of Poppy belly and she's speechless it's like she's seeing a ghost but she comes back to normal "Lady Moth what did u saw? Are my twins okay! Are they goin to have a good future or bad future!?!" said Poppy panicking and talking real fast until Lady Moth tells her to relax "Princess Poppy relax I'm about to tell u what I saw and u have to be prepare of what I'm goin to tell u" said Lady Moth making Poppy even nervous then before. "Poppy when I put my hand on ur belly I saw that one of ur twins is the reincarnation of one of ur parents and that baby will be the future King or Queen of the trolls but the other one is not interested in being King or Queen but these baby is interested in goin on his or her on path away from the trolls and start his or hers own adventures with someone they love but there also I knew enemy that will want to destroy ur children's future and urs also Poppy" said Lady Moth almost finishing her Coffee Poppy is shocked and furious about what Lady Moth told her "This has to be a mistake one of my own children will leave the troll tree just so they can have a adventure there has to be something so I can change there future" said Poppy looking around Lady Moth house if there's something to change her unborn's future. "There's nothing u can't do Poppy!! there future cannot be change it's there destiny u must let them choose what they believe is right for them" said Lady Moth yelling at Poppy that there future cannot be change "But I'm there mother!!!" said Poppy yelling at Lady Moth on a aggressive way. "U are there mother but ur young u have to understand ur children's future I know these is hard for u because ur goin to see one of ur children's leaving the troll tree and there's possibility of not coming back" said Lady Moth walking away from Poppy. Poppy couldn't say anything she's confuse and mad at the same time "If I cant change there future then I will make sure none of my children leave!!IF A TROLL LEAVES THE TROLL TREE THEY WILL NEVER BE ALOUD OF COMING BACK!!! said Poppy yelling at Lady Moth so she can know that if one of her kids leaves they will never be aloud to return back "U are goin to regret for saying just wait when they get older ur goin to have to let them follow where there heart truly belongs" said Lady Moth leaving her house heading outside leaving Poppy speechless she falls on her knees and says "how could these happen, I promise that I won't let y'all go I will make sure y'all stay with me forever" said Poppy crying and touching her belly to try to feel them.

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