Jay's sister

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The VK's met Ben at the front of the school with Fairy Godmother.

"Hello, VK's." Fairy Godmother smiled at them.

"I'm gonna go." Jay tried walking away but Evie and Mal held back his arms.

"Jay! You're meeting your sister whether you like it or not!" Mal struggled holding him still.

"I'm not meeting her!" Jay shouted.

"Yes you are!" Evie shouted.

"Jay!" Carlos helped the girls. The VK's became a shouting, fighting mess. It lead to a full blown battle with four teams. They fought in a small ball with everyone watching them. The limo pulled up so they stood still.

"I'm not looking forward to meeting her again." Jay sighed. A blonde girl stepped out of the limo. She was wearing a black leather jacket that wasn't zipped up and her collar was popped. Her shirt was a leopard printed belly top, her pants were red leather and she wore black ankle boots. Her eyes were dark blue and her skin was pale. She wore a black shoulder bag over her left shoulder. The girl looked like Sabrina Carpenter. She was balancing on one leg while her other leg was bent but still on the ground.

"Jay?" The girl looked at Jay.

"Jean?" Jay walked up to the girl.

Jean punched Jay in the stomach. "That's for leaving me on the Isle." Jean looked at his friends. "Mal, Evie, Carlos." She nodded at them.

"Jeanetta." Mal, Evie and Carlos nodded back at her.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep." Ben took her hand and he shook her hand.

"Don't touch me." Jean twisted his wrist and flipped him over so he landed on his back.

"That's not cool." The VK's said together and they attacked Jean.

Jean new karate so she mae geri'ed the VK's to the floor but she fell to the floor. "I know how to fence as well." She popped collar on her jacket as it was folded down.

"You have to back to the Isle." Jay stood up.

"No I don't. I mean, I miss my friends and my boyfriend but I'm not going back to that prison." Jean rolled her eyes at Jay.

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Yep. He's cute, handsome and I get along with his boyfriends."

"He's cheating on you?" Evie was confused.

"I mean as in a guy friend. I've rejected all of his friends when they've asked me out so I could break their pathetic little hearts and so I could be with my current boyfriend."

"No one dates on the Isle, though." Mal put her hand on her hip.

"I'm the Queen of that town and I don't even need to wear a fake crown to show that. I get what I want without a no."

"Go home, Jean." Jay pointed to the limo. Jean laughed and she was still on the floor. "Seriously, Jean, go home." Jay dropped his arm.

"I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm fifteen years old. Let a girl live." Jean threw her head back and groaned.

"I'm doing this for your own safety. You're not ready for Auradon." Jay helped his friends up to their feet.

"Stop trying to act like you're a protective brother to your friends 'cause me, you and Dad all know that you hate me and that I hate you." Jean took out a small stick with a snake head on the end of it. The stick was silver and it had two bloodstone gems in it for the snake's eyes.

"What's that?" Evie asked her.

"My own staff. Our Father gave it to me. It's a replica of his staff." Jean extended the length so it was a normal staff. "It's not magical, though."

"Still got the leg problem?" Jay laughed at his sister.

"It's gonna be like this until I die." Jean sighed.

"Would you like some help, my dear?" Fairy Godmother offered her hand to Jean.

"I can do this by myself." Jean stood up with the help of the staff.

"Let's get you into the school of your timetable." Ben and Fairy Godmother led Jean into the school.


The VK's were in Jay and Carlos' dorm when Ben knocked on the door.

"Jay, I have questions to ask about Jean?" Jay opened the door and he let Ben in.

"Hit me." Jay closed the door. Ben punched him. "Not literally."

"Sorry. My first question is: is Jean her real name?"

"No. She uses Jean as her nickname. Me, Jean and Mal all have nicknames and Mal can't use her proper name so she always goes by her nickname. My real name is Jayden and Jean's is Jeanetta. Mal's is Lady Maleficent."

"Ok. My second question is: what's wrong with your relationship with her?" Ben sat next to Carlos on his bed.

"We're siblings and siblings never get along. She's always been more feared than me. Even with these guys she's more feared than me. She was the one who pleased my Dad, she was the one who stole the most stuff and she was the baddest of them all. She's way more talented than any celebrity I know. Jean is a triple threat."

"And what's wrong with her leg?" Ben watched Jay sit down next to him.

"Jean has myopathy and she gained it when she was thirteen. That's where her leg muscles can't function properly and it's a really bad disease. She was playing with some kids one day and she was pushed into a thorn bush. She was severely cut and one of the cuts was infected. It didn't get better so it led to her getting myopathy. Jean had it severely so she's lost all movement and feeling in her leg. You could chop her leg off and she won't feel anything. Me and my Dad had to help her around the Isle a lot, and don't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, she was bullied a lot. People would kick her down and take away her staff. I couldn't stand by a watch her get beaten up so I would defend my little sister because I love her deeply. It would break my heart to see her die or get severely injured but I can't tell her that I love her until she understands what good and love is and what they feel like." Jay started to cry. Carlos handed him a tissue.

"Jean stood up to the bullies and that's how a one legged fifteen year old girl became feared on the Isle." Mal sat next to Jay and she side hugged him.

"We all helped Jean throughout her years of torture. She is an emotionally strong girl." Evie sat next to Carlos.

"Thanks, Jay." Ben stood up and he left them.

"I could use with some alone time with Jean, guys." Jay threw the tissue into the bin.

"Good idea." Carlos moved closer to his best friend.

"She'll understand why." Evie smiled at Jay.

"You can do it, Jay." Mal kissed him gently on the cheek.

"I don't know how long we'll be able to go without screaming at each other. All of our conversations lead to broken things and slammed doors." Jay took a deep breath.

"You two will be fine." Carlos led the girls out of the dorm.

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